Friday 31 May 2019

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 May - 31 May 2019

The Japan Times



European Union leaders engaged in a first skirmish Tuesday over who should become the next chief of the European Commission, giving themselves a short deadline to agree on the bloc's top jobs and a target of assigning half of them to women. Chancellor Angela Merkel ...
U.K.'s Brexit Party triumph boosts chances of 'no-deal'


Nigel Farage's anti-EU Brexit party has topped European Parliament polls in the U.K., putting intense pressure on the ruling Conservatives — who suffered a historic rout — and raising the chances of a no-deal outcome. The single-issue Brexit Party, founded just three months ago by ...
Brexit tears up British politics as Nigel Farage tops EU election poll


Brexit wrought more havoc on Britain's main political parties in European Parliament elections, with both Conservatives and Labour scoring their worst results in decades as voters opted for politicians with clear pro- and anti-European Union messages. With nearly all the vote counts complete, Nigel Farage's ...

The downfall of Theresa May, the prime minister broken by BrexitWORLD / POLITICSMAY 25, 2019

At 10:11 a.m., a devastated Theresa May walked back in through the black door of No. 10 Downing St., tears in her eyes. Once inside she found her husband, Philip, and the couple went through to the prime minister's private study together for a ...


For European leaders watching Theresa May's political death throes, a sense of inevitability has been replaced by one of fear. Rather than break the deadlock over Brexit, the departure of the British prime minister raises the prospect of what they've long considered their worst nightmare: ...

U.K. election authorities acknowledged Thursday that some EU citizens were turned 
away at U.K. polling stations while trying to cast ballots in the European Parliament 
polls. The hashtag #DeniedMyVote began trending in Britain as voters cast their 
ballots in one of the 28 countries taking ...

U.K. faces final Brexit showdown in Parliament at start of JuneWORLD / POLITICSMAY 15, 2019

Theresa May has set a date for her final Brexit showdown, promising to bring her deal back to Parliament at the start of June. Talks with the opposition Labour Party haven't yielded an agreement, but she is hoping members of Parliament, stung by voter ...

Britain-France Channel Tunnel, now 25, was centuries in the making

WORLDMAY 5, 2019

On May 6, 1994, Queen Elizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterrand boarded the royal Rolls-Royce and took an undersea train to Britain — a 50.5-kilometer (30-mile) trip that inaugurated a tunnel two centuries in the making. Followed by their spouses in a Citroen, their ...
Britain's governing Conservatives and the Labour main opposition took a drubbing 
Friday in English local elections as voters vented their frustration with the Brexit 
deadlock. Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives lost control of several local 
authorities and hundreds of seats but Labour failed to capitalize, ...