Wednesday 31 July 2019

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Jul - 31 Jul 2019

The Japan Times


U.K.'s Johnson heads to Scotland as Edinburgh leader attacks no-deal Brexit


Britain's Boris Johnson will make his first visit to Scotland as prime minister on Monday, his office said, as his Conservative Party's leader there said she would refuse to support a no-deal Brexit. Johnson took office on Wednesday with a pledge to deliver Britain's exit ...


With the prospect of a no-deal Brexit becoming ever more likely under British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the remaining EU member state with most to lose — Ireland — is hardening its rhetoric. Ireland has a land border with Britain that it wants to keep ...
I'll make Britain great again: Johnson echoes Trump over Brexit


Boris Johnson promised on Thursday that Brexit would make Britain the greatest place on Earth, echoing the patriotic rhetoric of U.S. President Donald Trump in a debut speech as prime minister before Parliament. Johnson, who was hailed by the U.S. president as Britain's Trump, has ...

Abe urges incoming British leader Boris Johnson to avoid no-deal BrexitNATIONAL / POLITICSJUL 24, 2019

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has urged Boris Johnson, Britain's incoming prime minister, to avoid a no-deal exit from the European Union. The request was included in a message, sent on Tuesday to congratulate the former foreign secretary on being elected leader of Britain's ruling Conservative ...


Global trade tensions, continued uncertainty and rising prospects for a no-deal Brexit are sapping the strength of the world economy, which faces a "precarious" 2020, the International Monetary Fund warned on Tuesday. Trade conflicts are undercutting investment and weakening manufacturing, and the IMF urged countries ...

No-deal Brexit looms as race for new British prime minister wraps up


The battle to become Britain's next prime minister enters the home stretch on Wednesday with both candidates hardening their positions on Brexit, putting the future government on a collision course with Brussels. Ex-London Mayor Boris Johnson, the favorite to replace Theresa May, and Foreign Secretary ...
Britain's U.S. ambassador resigns after Trump spat


Britain's ambassador to Washington resigned Wednesday after being targeted by U.S. President Donald Trump following the leak of highly critical diplomatic cables. Outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May had offered her full support to Kim Darroch after he was revealed to have described the Trump administration ...

U.K. Labour's trade union backers support second referendum on Brexit dealWORLD / POLITICSJUL 9, 2019

British trade union leaders linked to the opposition Labour Party have agreed to back a second referendum on any Brexit deal reached by the next Conservative prime minister or a no-deal exit, according to a copy of the agreement seen by Reuters. Labour leader Jeremy ...

Britain's Boris Johnson set for crushing victory over Hunt, poll suggestsWORLD / POLITICSJUL 6, 2019

Boris Johnson looks set for a landslide victory over rival Jeremy Hunt in the race to become Britain's next prime minister. According to a YouGov poll published in the Times newspaper, Johnson is backed by 74 percent of Conservative Party members with Hunt languishing on ...

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt would decide to take Britain out of the 
European Union without a deal on Oct. 31 if it becomes clear at the beginning 
of that month that there is no prospect of getting an agreement through 
Parliament. Battling the favorite ...