Friday 28 January 2022

Latvia blasts Germany’s ‘immoral and hypocritical’ relationship with Russia and China

 Berlin’s actions are ‘driving a division line between west and east in Europe,’ says Defense Minister Artis Pabriks.

Latvia's Defense Minister Artis Pabriks called Germany's relationship with Russia and China "immoral and hypocritical". | Gerard Cerles/AFP via Getty Images

Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks hit out against what he calls Germany’s “immoral and hypocritical” relationship with Russia and China.

Berlin’s actions are driving a wedge between western and eastern European countries, Pabriks said in an interview with the Financial Times. As Russia masses more than 100,000 troops and military equipment at the Ukrainian border, Pabriks said the Western response has demonstrated “wishful thinking.”

Eastern European officials have reacted in disbelief over Berlin’s refusal to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, while also refusing to grant Estonia permission to send old German howitzers to the country. So far, Germany has committed to sending 5,000 helmets and a field hospital.

Pabriks lashed out at Germany’s stance on the howitzers — as well as some of its businesses threatening to pull out of Lithuania over the country’s dispute with China as Vilnius deepens diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

“How are you acting yourself when it comes to Lithuania, Russia, China?” Pabriks asked. “It’s immoral and hypocritical. It’s driving a division line between west and east in Europe.”

“Germans forgot already that Americans were granting their security in the Cold War,” The defense minister added. “But they should [remember]. It’s their moral duty,”

Tuesday 25 January 2022

EU must reduce energy dependency on Russia amid Ukraine conflict: Top diplomat Borrell

 Europe is facing its ‘most dangerous moment’ since the Cold War, says Josep Borrell.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borell | Pooled photo by Johanna Geron/Afp via Getty Images

JANUARY 25, 2022 8:51 PM

Europe is facing its "most dangerous moment" since the Cold War amid fears Moscow will invade Ukraine, said top EU diplomat Josep Borrell, calling on the bloc to reduce its energy dependency on Russia and unite around a comprehensive security strategy.

"The last two years have seen a serious worsening of our strategic environment to the extent that today we are living through the most dangerous moment of the post-Cold War period," Borrell said Tuesday during an event hosted jointly by the European External Action Service, and the EU Institute for Security Studies.

"Russia has made its economy more sanctions-proof, it has been building a strong resilience. Russia is today the third holder of assets in dollars — $400,000 million. But we have not done the same in the energy field and we must reduce our dependency on the Russian energy," Borrell added.

His remarks come as the EU struggles to agree on how to retaliate against Moscow if it attacks its neighbor. One point of contention has been the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline running from Russia to Germany, which Berlin has not fully committed to canceling if Russia invades despite pressure from allies.

"The Ukraine-Russia crisis has demonstrated that we face an increasingly strategic environment. But once again, the debate on European security goes far beyond the Ukraine-Russia crisis," Borrell said. "Look around us: the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa, NATO, Pacific — these days, threats are coming from everywhere and manifest themselves in all the strategic domains."

He added that after two decades of security planning that have only resulted in "analyses, initiatives, and plans with lots of acronyms," the EU must agree on a comprehensive security approach that translates into concrete actions.

"The basic fact is that security and defense is probably the area in which the European Union integration has the biggest gap between the citizens' expectation and results," Borrell said.

Last year, Borrell presented a first draft of a new EU “Security Compass,” which aims to set out a more muscular military strategy. He said Tuesday that these plans represent the EU's major geopolitical choice between "seriously investing in our capacity to act or accepting being an object" as opposed to an actor in foreign policy.

He added that similar to establishing the euro currency and adopting a united coronavirus recovery plan, the Security Compass will require the EU to "jump together."

This article has been updated to clarify Germany's stance on linking Nord Stream 2 to the EU's response to an invasion by Russia.

Saturday 22 January 2022

From conference highs to the abyss: the swift undoing of Boris Johnson

 It was not meant to fall apart as fast as this. After Boris Johnson won the general election in December 2019, he declared in a victory address: “I, and we, will never take your support for granted.”

Dan Sabbagh   The Guardian

22 January 2022

The prime minister’s 80-seat majority, a victory for the “get Brexit done” campaign, appeared to leave him impregnable. For 18 months after, Johnson continued to defy political gravity despite repeated missteps, as the pandemic came to Britain’s shores.

“Johnson eyes decade in power,” splashed the Times in May after the Conservatives routed Labour in the Hartlepool byelection, a seat held by Labour for 47 years, with a swing of 16 points. “Jabs, jabs, jabs to jobs, jobs, jobs,” Johnson said, optimistic that a talent for soundbites could amount to a delivery programme for government.

Less than four months ago, the Conservatives were again riding high at their party conference in Manchester. Johnson delivered a policy-light, joke-heavy speech on 6 October – this was “politics as light entertainment” said the Guardian sketch writer John Crace. The government’s wildlife plans were described as “build back beaver”; renewing UK beef imports to the US as “build back burger”.

The moment it turned is clear: November’s misguided attempt to overturn the punishment for Owen Paterson, after the Tory MP was found to have breached parliament’s longstanding ban against paid lobbying. His case was taken up by a group of his Brexiter allies. Johnson backed it, the vote in parliament was won – and the argument in the country immediately lost.

“Shameless MPs sink back into sleaze,” splashed the Daily Mail. “That is not what we do in this country, it’s what they do in Russia,” the Labour MP Chris Bryant said.

Labour refused to work with the Tory proposals and the Paterson plan had to be embarrassingly withdrawn. Johnson blamed colleagues afterwards – he had been led to believe there would be cross-party support for the plan. “It was put to me by colleagues,” he later sheepishly told MPs.

At first the return of sleaze allowed journalists to write broadly about Tory MPs’ second jobs, including the near £6m earned by the barrister and MP Geoffrey Cox. Labour started to tick ahead while Johnson’s jokey touch deserted him in a rambling speech about Peppa Pig World – “my kind of place” – to the CBI conference.

© Provided by The Guardian
 Boris Johnson enjoys a ride at Peppa Pig World.

It got close to home in December. A Daily Mirror story about Johnson and Downing Street staff attending Christmas parties a year earlier, when London was under Covid restrictions, led to a drip-drip of revelations. But this time it was about the conduct not of other Tory MPs but of Johnson himself and the No 10 he ran.

“All guidance was followed,” Johnson said. Downing Street even tried to deny parties took place. That was utterly undermined by the emergence of a video showing the former press secretary Allegra Stratton joking about “a Downing Street Christmas party on Friday night”. A tearful Stratton quit the next day.

© Provided by The Guardian Allegra Stratton speaking outside her home in north London where she announced that she had resigned.

Voters with their own very different memories of lockdown were already unimpressed. Paterson had been forced to resign and his North Shropshire seat, normally one of the Conservatives’ safest, fell to the Lib Dems on a 34-point swing. “Boris Johnson, the party is over,” the winning candidate Helen Morgan declared – except that it wasn’t.

Days later the Guardian published a picture of the prime minister having wine and cheese with his wife and staff in the Downing Street garden on 15 May 2020, the tail-end of the first lockdown. It was a work meeting, No 10 said, but the public reached their own conclusions. Johnson limped on to Christmas, while Sue Gray, the civil servant tasked with investigating, had an expanding list of parties to look at.

There was little respite in January as the focus concentrated on the prime minister. Lord Geidt, his ethics adviser, concluded Johnson had acted unwisely in failing to disclose a WhatsApp exchange the prime minister had with Tory donor Lord Brownlow, who provided £58,000 of the cost of refurbishing the Downing Street flat.

Johnson had previously said he did not know where the money came from and says he thought Brownlow was organising, not providing, funds. The message showed him asking the donor for the cash because the flat was “a bit of a tip”. Giving a “humble and sincere” apology, Johnson said he “did not recall” the begging message because it was contained on an old phone.

© Provided by The Guardian Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds come out of 10 Downing Street in February 2021 to take part in a national clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore, after his death, and NHS staff.

Next came the email. “Please join us from 6pm and bring your own booze!” wrote Johnson’s principal private secretary, Martin Reynolds, as he invited staff to an event on 20 May 2020 in a missive obtained by ITV News. Within minutes journalists were reporting Johnson himself was there. After a day in hiding Johnson apologised, although he still argued he “believed implicitly that this was a work event”.

While people around the country had been fined for breaching lockdown, discipline at Downing Street appeared nonexistent. Two drinks parties were held on 16 April 2021, the night before Prince Philip’s funeral, where the mourning Queen had stood alone. Johnson wasn’t present this time but staff had slipped off to the Co-op on the Strand armed with a suitcase to stuff full with bottles of wine, it was said.

Even Johnson gave the impression he could not take much more, admitting he had to apologise to the monarch, and staring downcast with bloodshot eyes in an excruciating 16-minute Sky News interview. “Nobody told me that what we were doing was, as you say, against the rules,” Johnson said, although it was he who had been setting them for the country.

The problems have mounted at a time when the cost of living is rising by 5.4% and energy bills are soaring. The current count of Downing Street lockdown-breaching parties stands at 15, but there is still a belief at Westminster there are more to emerge. Gray’s inquiry is yet to report and parts of the Conservative party are in open revolt, with dozens of letters of no confidence sent in by disgruntled MPs.

But overriding all is the damage to Johnson’s reputation from the misjudged manoeuvres, evasive answers and revised declarations. “The public connected with Johnson on an emotional level like no other politician before,” said Martin Boon, a founder of polling firm Deltapoll. “Quite simply, he has taken a machete to that.”


Wednesday 19 January 2022

What happens when an MP defects?

FORMER Tory MP Christian Wakeford has defected from the Conservatives to join Labour. What happens when an MP defects?

A 'Red Wall' Tory MP has defected to Labour in protest over the "partygate" scandal. Christian Wakeford, MP for Bury South elected in the 2019 washout, made his defection public just moments before Boris Johnson faced MPs at Prime Minister's Questions this afternoon.

Mr Wakeford was cheered by Labour MPs as he took his place for the first time on the opposition side at PMQ's.

He sat on the second row directly behind Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader. 

In a damning letter to the Prime Minister, the newly Labour MP said he "reached the conclusion that the best interests of my constituents are served by the programme put forward by Keir Starmer and his party”.

Christian Wakeford

Christian Wakeford has joined Labour from the Conservatives (Image: Richard Townshend Photography/BBC)

Christian Wakeford

Christian Wakeford has changed allegiance with immediate effect (Image: PA)

What happens when an MP defects?

Known as 'crossing the floor', when an MP defects they change the party they stand for in parliament, and will often switch political opinions to reflect that of the party they have joined.

There is no formal process in parliament for crossing the floor.

An MP must let their leader know they wish to leave their current party to join the other side, which is usually welcomed by the opposing party.

House of Commons

There is no penalty for switching sides in the Commons (Image: PA)

There is no by-election when an MP crosses the floor.

Historically, the Commons has acted on the principle that all Members of the House of Commons are individually elected, and voters put a “cross against the name of a candidate”.

The practice of crossing the floor is not often done, but there are some notable examples in history.

Winston Churchill defected from the Conservative Party in May 1904, joining the Liberal Party and becoming a minister in 1905.

He later rejoined the Conservative party following a defeat in the 1922 and 1923 elections.

But the trend for defection certainly falls in favour of the Labour party, with most defections going from Tory to Labour.

Quentin Davies crossed the floor from the opposition Conservative Party to the governing Labour Party in June 2007.

Robert Jackson, defected from the Conservatives for Labour, in January 2005. 

He exited Parliament at the next election, in May 2005.

Shaun Woodward, who was elected as a Conservative Member in Witney in 1997, crossed the floor in December 1999.

At the general election in 2001, he was elected as a Labour Member in St Helens South, and he went on to serve as Northern Ireland Secretary from 2007-10 in the Labour Cabinet.
