Thursday 29 December 2016

We must quit single market to win back control over borders

A NEW report from Migration Watch confirms what this newspaper and many others have said all along – that in order to control immigration Britain must leave the single market.

Michael Gove and an EU flag
Leave campaigners said since the start of the campaign that Brexit means leaving the single market
Failure to deliver this would represent a betrayal by the Government.
On June 23 the  overwhelmingly to take back control of our borders, laws, taxes and trading arrangements.
The rules for membership of the single market are crystal clear. Stay in it and these things will still be controlled by Brussels.
Remoaners continue to claim that we never voted to leave the single market and therefore the Government must keep us in it. 
This is a desperate ruse that completely ignores events during the referendum campaign.
Before the referendum David Cameron made clear numerous times that a vote to leave would mean withdrawing from the single market.
Leave campaigners – most notably Michael Gove – frequently said the same thing. 
Border control officersGETTY
Rejecting the customs union is likely to be the only way that Britain can have full border control
It is ridiculous and patronising to claim that British voters did not know what they were voting for.
They clearly wanted, among other things, to win back control over Britain’s borders and to put a stop to unfettered mass immigration.
They knew that doing so would require leaving the single market and they were happy to take that step.
It is about time the Remoaners respected the will of the people.