Monday 9 December 2019

Brexit backlash: Why EU 'fears UK departure as eurozone fragility exposed'

BREXIT has been a turbulent process and has forced Prime Minister Boris Johnson into a general election – but, according to a former Treasury minister, EU leaders are scared that the departure will "expose the economic weakness of the eurozone".
These were the words of former Conservative Party Minister David Heathcoat-Amory, who throughout his parliamentary career was a staunch Eurosceptic while serving as Chairman of the European Research Group (ERG).

Mr Heathcoat-Amory also worked as a Europe Minister between 1993-1994, and claimed in his October 2018 article for Red Cell that Britain's departure from the EU would highlight the weaknesses of the EU's economic model. He said: "They fear that a successful Brexit would embolden the increasing number of Eurosceptic parties in the EU.
"It could also expose the economic weakness of the eurozone, where the Mediterranean states, already laid waste by the euro crisis, have an unresolved debt problem."
The former minister under John Major also offered a scathing assessment of the EU as a bloc, claiming it has one goal – to expand its influence.

He said: "The EU is not an association of nation states coming together for certain common purposes.

"It is a highly self-interested bureaucracy which has one response to any problem: More Europe.

"Its entire legal order is founded on the principle of ever closer union."

Mr Heathcoat-Amory also slammed the UK's handling of the Brexit process under Theresa May, claiming that "indecision" and "confusion" has compromised Britain's ability to play hardball with the EU, who themselves are notoriously tough negotiators.

Specifically, Mr Heathcoat-Amory blamed the UK's failure to coherently threaten to walk away from negotiations for the state of uncertainty the country now finds itself in.

He continued: "This essential requirement has become sidelined by indecision in government over whether we should really leave the customs union, and how the Northern Irish border should be managed."

Mr Heathcoat-Amory said that the border conundrum should not prevent Britain from reaching a deal, saying that the EU have compromised before, and therefore can do so again.

He said: "The EU is endlessly flexible when it wants to be. The entry criteria for joining the euro were overridden when it suited."

READ MORE:Leaked EU plan exposes tactics to humiliate Boris' Brexit pledge
Brexit news:
Brexit news: Barnier is the EU's chief negotiator (Image: getty)The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland has posed arguably the toughest sticking point for the UK in negotiations so far.  Should Britain leave, this would create a land border between the UK and the EU, where checks on goods would have to be undertaken if Mr Johnson wants to take the country out of the customs union. This has raised fears that a "hard border" will be created, and could therefore undermine the Good Friday Agreement. As part of Mr Johnson's withdrawal agreement, the Prime Minister has said that there will not be checks on goods moving between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  This is despite Government papers stating that there is “potential to separate Northern Ireland in practice from whole swathes of the UK’s internal market". DON'T MISS: Eamonn Holmes hits out at Sturgeon - 'Happy to have EU run Scotland!' [INSIGHT] British-Indian doctor vows to ‘emancipate’ voters from EU yoke [ANALYSIS] Brexit Party candidate speaks out about horrifying death threats [INSIGHT]
Brexit news:
Brexit news: The EU are "scared" of Brexit - Mr Heathcoat-Amory (Image: getty)

The paper reads: “At minimum exit summary declarations will be required when goods are exported from Northern Ireland to Great Britain in order to meet EU obligations.”
Mr Johnson said during Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme: “There’s no question of there being checks on goods going [between] Northern Ireland and Great Britain because they are part of – if you look at what the deal is, we’re part of the same customs territory..."
While Mr Johnson's deal has garnered more support than his predecessor's effort, the Democratic Unionist Party has turned on the Prime Minister.
The DUP believe the deal will mean Northern Ireland is treated differently to the rest of the UK as there will be checks on goods moving between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Today, DUP leader Arlene Foster said that Mr Johnson's deal was a "betrayal" and causes her "great concern".