Tuesday 28 February 2017

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Feb - 28 Feb 2017

The Japan Times
Brexit Headlines

BUSINESS   FEB 17, 2017

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida asked his British counterpart Boris Johnson on 
Thursday to ensure "transparency and predictability" with regard to Britain's planned 
exit from the European Union. In a meeting in Bonn, Germany, Kishida requested 
that Brexit not affect Japanese companies operating in Britain, according ...


Support for Scottish independence rose after the British Prime Minister came out in 
favor of the U.K. making a clean break with the European Union, a BMG survey for 
Herald Scotland showed. The survey indicated 49 percent of Scots support 
independence with 51 percent opposing ...

China advises companies to take 'precautions' over BrexitBUSINESS / ECONOMYFEB 7, 2017

Chinese companies operating in Britain, especially in the financial sector or whose European headquarters are in Britain, need to take "precautions" due to uncertainly over Brexit, China's ambassador to London said. Before Britain's vote to exit the European Union in June last year, China had ...