Monday 31 July 2017

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Jul - 31 Jul 2017

The Japan Times
Brexit Headlines

Free movement with EU will end in March 2019, spokesman for May says

WORLDJUL 31, 2017

Free movement of people between Britain and the European Union will end in March 2019, when Britain leaves the bloc, Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman said on Monday. Last week British finance minister Philip Hammond said there should be no immediate change to immigration rules ...

BUSINESS   JUL 6, 2017

Britain will lose its status as Europe's top financial center unless it keeps borders open 
to specialist staff, improves infrastructure and expands links with emerging economies, 
TheCityUK said in a report published Thursday. The report from Britain's most powerful 
financial lobby said continental Europe might ...

May could walk out of Brexit talks over exit bill: reportWORLD / POLITICSJUL 2, 2017

British business leaders have been told to brace for the possibility that Prime Minister Theresa May's government may walk out of Brexit talks this year, according to the Sunday Telegraph. The move would be designed for "domestic consumption" to show the government is negotiating hard ...