Wednesday 7 February 2018

We are leaving the EU to get away from these rules - EXPRESS COMMENT

ANOTHER day, yet another raft of rules from the EU clearly designed to intimidate us as we prepare to leave. This time round it's an attempt to force us to accept 37 new directives during the "implementation" phase after we quit the bloc: we should tell the Brussels officials, in the politest possible way, that we have no intention of following those proposals or indeed anything else.

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission and PM Theresa May
One of the numerous reasons this country decided to leave the EU in the first place is exactly this: endless amounts of needless bureaucracy and red tape cluttering up businesses and hampering our lives.
In order to justify their existence, to say nothing of exorbitant salaries and pension pots, the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels have to endlessly find new proposals, new restrictions, new anything to prove why they should be there.
Well we in Britain have had enough of it: we do not want yet more EUinitiated red tape. Nor is it remotely just in any way that we should be forced to accept directives over which we would have no right of veto. We have been far too ready to act in accordance with EU objectives in the past while other countries have simply ignored them.
Now we are taking our future back into our own hands and that means no more EU nonsense. The word is "non". Or perhaps "nein".