Thursday 31 May 2018

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 May - 31 May 2018

The Japan Times
Brexit Headlines

Cambridge Analytica ex-boss admits getting Facebook data from researcher


The former head of Cambridge Analytica admitted on Wednesday his firm had received data from the researcher at the center of a scandal over Facebook users' personal details, contradicting previous testimony to lawmakers. Cambridge Analytica, which was hired by Donald Trump in 2016, has denied ...

EU defense structure after Brexit starting to take shapeWORLD | ANALYSISMAY 7, 2018

A broad European military strategy involving Britain after Brexit has started to take shape with France at its center, often in negotiations far from the Brussels spotlight and, in one top-level EU meeting, without the U.K. defense minister. Despite an impasse over how to start ...


Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative Party avoided a wipeout in London local 
elections and eked out gains in Brexit-supporting regions elsewhere, early results on 
Friday showed, although her Labour opponents did gain ground in the capital. The 
elections are viewed as a gauge of public ...