Thursday 1 August 2019

Europe has more to fear from a no-deal Brexit than Britain

The term “Project Fear” first came into usage during the Scottish independence referendum of 2014, when it was coined by “Better Together” as an ironic description of the campaign’s own blitz of economic scaremongering. In the event, the scare tactics seemed to work; the case for independence was roundly rejected.

1 AUGUST 2019 • 9:30PM

Contrary to the accepted narrative, the immediate damage to the European economy from a no-deal Brexit may be rather greater than for Britain
Contrary to the accepted narrative, the immediate damage to the European
economy from a no-deal Brexit may be rather greater than for Britain

It hardly needs saying that similar doom-laden predictions were not nearly as effective in the referendum on EU membership. Project Fear became common currency among Leave campaigners to mock the Government’s blood-curdling warnings of catastrophe to come. Voters chose to disbelieve those warnings and in important respects, they were proved correct.

Even now, as we approach the seeming...