Sunday 30 June 2019

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Jun - 30 Jun 2019

The Japan Times


Johnson and Hunt on the campaign trail: How the two Tory rivals reckon they can fix Brexit


Boris Johnson will face his successor as foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, in the final Conservative Party showdown to determine who takes over from Prime Minister Theresa May. Their visions for Brexit are similar: Both want to deliver on the referendum result of 2016, both want ...

Behind the bluster: Britain's Boris Johnson


Known for his jokes, gaffes and bluster, Boris Johnson has pitched himself as the big personality Britain needs to break the Brexit deadlock and thereby save his Conservative Party from electoral oblivion. The former foreign minister has been dogged by questions about his competence and ...

Jeremy Hunt: The smooth survivor eyeing Britain's top postWORLD / POLITICS | FOCUSJUN 23, 2019

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is a soft-spoken political survivor who believes his business background can see him strike a Brexit deal if he defeats Boris Johnson to become prime minister. The 52-year-old has branded himself as the "serious" alternative to Johnson, making unflustered progress ...

The tribe that lost its headCOMMENTARY / WORLDJUN 10, 2019

The dream of a truly strong leader who in one leap can free the United Kingdom from its dilemmas may be just that.

Boris Johnson wins Brexit case hounding his leadership bid


Former U.K. Foreign Minister Boris Johnson's bid to succeed Theresa May as prime minister received a big boost Friday when a London court quashed his summons to answer charges that he lied during the Brexit referendum campaign. His lawyers claimed that the private prosecution was ...
Stepping down, Theresa May's legacy sunk by Brexit


Theresa May had a mission to fight Britain's "burning injustices" through strong and stable leadership — but her legacy as prime minister will be anything but. The Conservative premier's turbulent time in office was swamped and ultimately sunk by her legacy-defining battle to secure a ...
Ford to shut Welsh engine plant with loss of 1,700 jobs


Ford will shut its engine plant in Wales next year, costing about 1,700 jobs, the U.S. auto giant announced Thursday in a further blow to Britain's embattled car sector struggling with Brexit uncertainty and a global race to meet rising demand for electric vehicles. The ...
As he arrives, Trump says Brexit will be fine for Ireland


Donald Trump, arriving in Ireland for the first time as U.S. president on Wednesday, sought to reassure the country that Britain's exit from the European Union would work out fine for its near neighbor. Prime Minister Leo Varadkar planned to use a meeting with Trump, ...

Deal or no deal, we leave EU on Oct. 31: U.K. prime minister candidate Boris JohnsonWORLD / POLITICSJUN 3, 2019

Boris Johnson, frontrunner to be Britain's next prime minister, promised Monday to lead the country out of the European Union on Oct. 31 with or without an exit deal, launching his leadership bid in a campaign video. Prime Minister Theresa May is due to resign ...

Mike Pompeo to attend secretive Bilderberg meeting in SwitzerlandWORLDJUN 1, 2019

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday is scheduled to take part in a secretive meeting in Switzerland of global power brokers discreetly discussing issues like Brexit and the future of capitalism. The State Department confirmed Saturday that Pompeo, who is on a four-nation ...