Tuesday 26 November 2019

Andrew Neil shames Nicola Sturgeon 10 TIMES in just 43 seconds during car crash interview

ANDREW NEIL landed 10 unanswered blows to Nicola Sturgeon in a disastrous interview with the SNP leader on BBC One.

Mr Neil said during last night's interview: "Only two of your eight waiting time targets are being hit, you’ve been in for a long while.
"You haven’t hit the A&E target since 2017.
"The two-month cancer target you haven’t hit since 2013.
"Children are dying in a new Glasgow hospital because the water is contaminated, perhaps by pigeon droppings.
Andrew Neil grills Nicola Sturgeon (Image: BBC)
"A new multi-million pound Edinburgh hospital should of opened in 2012 is still unfit to open.
"You can’t even get the ventilation system to work."
He continued: "You’ve got the worse drug addiction problem in Europe.
"But you cut drug treatment budgets by 15 million."You clung onto your last health minister, you’re under pressure now to sack the successor.
"You have called for legislation to protect the NHS from Donald Trump.
"Maybe the NHS needs legislation to protect it from Nicola Sturgeon."
Ms Sturgeon said: "Health services everywhere have challenges. We are not immune from that. But I believe that we are doing the things that are required to fix those challenges and to make sure that we have the health service that people expect. And patient satisfaction ratings for NHS Scotland remain extremely high."
In the same interview, Ms Sturgeon was grilled by Mr Neil on Scotland's monetary plan for if they become independent from the United Kingdom. 
Nicola Sturgeon
Nicola Sturgeon was left glum-faced when Andrew Neil dismantled her monetary plan (Image: BBC)
The BBC host said: "In this situation, we are talking about England and the rest of the UK would no longer be in the EU, you would still be using the pound but you wouldn’t have monetary union.
“You’re seriously saying you would try and join the EU using a currency of a country that is no longer in the EU?
"Brussels wouldn’t allow that to happen."
Ms Sturgeon replied: “The pound is Scotland’s currency right now.
“The proposition is that until the conditions were right to establish our own currency which we have said is our objective we would use the pound to do that."