Monday 12 October 2020

Brexit Britain May Scrap EU Rules Which Send Shipbuilding Overseas

 Boris Johnson’s administration may scrap EU rules which have seen shipbuilding contracts sent to yards overseas in recent years, according to reports.


Once the world’s premier shipbuilding hub, the United Kingdom has for many years been losing out not just to much larger low-wage and low-safety economies like China, but also to advanced and relatively small countries like South Korea.

Brexit campaigners have long argued that this decline is due in no small part to EU competition and tendering laws, which prohibit the government from supporting shipbuilding by reserving anything but “sensitive” warship contracts for domestic firms.

For example, a much-delayed £1.5 billion contract to build Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels has been exposed to bids from Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and South Korean yards, with the government’s Ministry of Defence confirming foreign firms could offer their services in August — causing much controversy.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has signalled that this ‘Britain Last’ approach may finally be coming to an end as Britain informal membership of the European Union is set to expire at the end of 2020, however.

“We aren’t embarrassed to sing old songs about how Britannia rules the waves – in fact, we are even making sense of it with a concerted national shipbuilding strategy that will bring jobs to every part of the UK, especially in Scotland,” he teased at last week’s Conservative Party conference.

On Saturday, a Ministry of Defence (MoD) source confirmed to The Telegraph that “Defence is committed to supporting the Government’s ambition to reinvigorate UK shipbuilding. As we approach the end of the transition period, the MoD is exploring opportunities to better tailor the regulations to meet our needs, although no decisions have been made.”

This is seemingly in response to Brexit supporters such as David Jones MP having warned that “Despite the intention to do more British shipbuilding, HMG [Her Majesty’s Government] could have a nasty surprise in the courts if they do not amend retained EU law on defence procurement which makes UK-limited procurement more difficult.”

The Veterans for Britain campaign group, which supported Brexit in 2016 and spoken out against the impact of EU law on British shipbuilding for years now, gave the seeming change in attitude from the government a cautious welcome.

“At long last, Government admits it is EU rules which send shipbuilding contracts abroad,” they commented.

“[T]hese could change in 2021, savings [sic] thousands of jobs and billions in investment.”

Follow Jack Montgomery on Twitter: @JackBMontgomery
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What the hell do they mean "MAY"
Should not even require thought - The word is "WILL".

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        Britain's solution is very simple.

        No deal with the EU. Instead, make bilateral deals with all the euroskeptic European nations, as if the EU did not exist, and if the EU tries to do anything about it, help organize a mass exodus of those nations from the EU, starting with an alternative currency to the Euro backed by all those nations, a currency which Britain, the US and the commonwealth nations will all recognize, while of course Britain itself will keep the British Pound.

        Problem solved. And, that will most likely result in the break up of the EU, with Britain becoming the leading power in all of Europe, while the German economy collapses, if the Germans try to force a German-dominated EU on Britain and all the rest of Europe, which they will, and indeed they already have.

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              Agreed, but there should also be the option for any and all other current EU countries to leave the EU and join an alternate organization, with an alternative currency to the Euro. The Visigrad countries can be the basis of the alliance, but for the alliance and the currency to be viable, it would need to have as many or more member nations as the EU, which I believe is possible,. It should be possible to bring Italy, Greece, and Austria into the euroskeptic alliance, perhaps joined by Israel, as a Mediterranean nation that has been unfairly treated by the Germans and the EU, and then other nations might soon follow, or might opt for dual membership and neutrality between the EU and the new organization, such as Norway, Finland, and Macedonia, and I'm sure Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania would all prefer a third alternative to either the EU or Russia. But an effort should be made to recruit the nations with the strongest balance sheets, for the stability of the new currency, which would shorten the list of preferred recruits to Austria, Finland, Norway, Italy and Israel. Out of all the above nations, however, Israel has, by far, the lowest debt to GDP ratio, at only 26%, followed by Poland and Czech Republic, tied at 70%. Strangely, Austria, Norway and Finland are at the top of the list, with 167%, 169%, and 196%, respectively. While the highest of them all is the UK, with a national debt that is 313% of its GDP.

              I would suggest that all those nations keep, or else restore, their own national currencies, unless they just don't want to. But they should definitely have the option of doing so. And then the alliance should have a separate currency that can be used for international or domestic trade within or among the member states, or with third party nations. I suggest that this currency should have no inflation, and should be pegged to the price of a basket of goods and commodities that are likely to hold their value over time.