Sunday 4 April 2021

'Scotland is the burden' UK to thrive without Scotland as nation would see heavy loss

SCOTLAND has been dubbed a burden on the rest of the UK as dreams of a thriving independent nation have been rubbished by an expert.

Scotland independence latest update UK union

Scotland independence: During an interview with, Mr Longworth argued Scotland was more of a burden (Image: Sky news)

He said: "Scotland is effectively being run like a communist country at the moment.

"This is in relation to the way the public sector operates and the balance of control of the public sector versus the private sector in Scotland.

"They really need to be careful that they don't end up in a sort of North Korea, South Korea situation.

"Whereby Scotland goes into terminal economic decline and the rest of the UK in a post-Brexit, post-Covid world."

Scottish independence is expected to remain a contentious issue as Scotland gears up to hold the Holyrood elections. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP party remain consistent in that they believe Scotland should opt for independence and separate itself from the rest of the UK.

Boris Johnson has insisted that, following the pandemic, independence should not be a priority and the focus should be on rebuilding back together stronger.