Sunday 21 November 2021

Zerohege: Interesting economic articles - 20 - 21 Nov 2021


US Inflation: Which Categories Have Been Hit Hardest?

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Prices have been going up in a number of segments of the economy in recent months, and the public is taking notice...

We Are In Mass 'Jonestown' Delusion Territory

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As inflation has proved more sustainable, U.S. tech stocks have a near term date with an elevator shaft.

Jim Grant: "The Fed Reminds Me Of A Speculator On The Wrong Side Of The Market"

teaser image "will come into its own raging speculation when this great speculative episode, correctly called the Everything Bubble, bursts..."

"No Turning Point Yet" - Soaring Food Inflation To Continue Into 2022: Commodity Expert

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This is bad news for consumers. 

Full Employment? Ask Young Workers

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The $64 question for the US labor market is how close are we to full employment in a post-pandemic world? One way we can assess this topic is by looking at the current employment status of younger Americans.

Bill Ackman Says We're In A "Classic Bubble" That's "Fueled By The Fed"

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"Every indicator is flashing red,"

"Gold Can Do Things That Bitcoin Cannot, I'm Still A Fan," Says Ethereum Co-Founder

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"Seeking freedom" was a founding principle of Ethereum...

"Something Will Rebalance": Goldman Boss Solomon Warns That Market Greed Is Outpacing Fear

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Solomon also talked about Goldman moving into China and why rates could catalyze the next market drawdown. 

The Fed's Moral Hazard Monster Is About To Lay Waste To "Wealth"

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If you set out to destroy markets and the financial system, your most important weapon is moral hazard, the disconnection of risk and consequence...

Returning To Sound Money

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With the threat of dollar hyperinflation now becoming a reality it is time to consider what will be required to stabilise the currency, and by extension the other fiat currencies...

The Cocaine Capitals Of Europe

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...someone is not paying the Belgian police off enough...