Thursday 24 November 2016

Germany's economic BOMBSHELL to EU: Growth FALLS to shockingly low 0.2 per cent

GERMANY'S economy almost ground to a total halt in the third quarter of the year as growth slowed to just 0.2 per cent, raising fears the eurozone is descending into a full-scale financial crisis.

Angela MerkelGETTY
Germany's economy output slowed to 0.2 per cent
Trade and investment in the powerhouse of Europe dived between July and September, after Britain's vote to leave the European Union (EU), showed official figures.

It means that Germany's economic expansion over the three months halved from the 0.4 per cent measured in the second quarter, and was less than a third of the 0.7 per cent growth in the first quarter of the year.

Even Italy managed to squeeze out higher growth in the third quarter - at a rate of 0.3 per cent.

As the backbone of the block, Germany's slowdown is a worrying trend for the eurozone.
By contrast Britain's growth defied forecasts of a Brexit vote meltdown to grow by a bumper 0.5 per cent in the third quarter of 2016. 

Now it's feared Donald Trump's election last week could mean further woes for Germany, which is heavily supported by its manufacturing exports - especially its car industry.

Yet the president-elect has signalled that he wants to promote and protect American industry, which could mean higher trade tariffs for Germany.

The election of Mr Trump is also set to mean the death of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a trade deal between the European Union and United States.

ING Bank economist Carsten Brzeski said "If Germany's single most important trading partner, the US, really moves towards more protectionism, this would definitely leave its mark on German growth."

Under the new president, Britain is set to take priority over the EU for a trade deal, after Mr Trump's trade adviser has previously said the UK is a "friend" of America and will be front of the queue for an arrangement with the world's largest economy.