Thursday 30 March 2017

Taking back control starts TODAY: UK to use Great Repeal Bill to 'correct' 1,000 EU laws

THERESA May and her Brexit ministers will utilise the Great Repeal bill in order to quickly scrap reams of European Union rules and regulations without Parliament interfering.

David DavisGETTY
David Davis will utilise the Great Repeal Bill to scrap EU laws
Just one day after the PM activated Article 50, the Government announced plans to scrap around 1,000 rules, using so-called Henry VIII powers which side-step the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 
Thousands more EU laws will be converted into British law before being adjusted or scrapped completely. 
secretary David Davis said it was time to “put right” a huge number of laws introduced and dictated by Brussels.
He said: “At the heart of the referendum decision was sovereignty. A strong, independent country needs control of its own laws. That process starts now.
"Converting EU law into UK law, and ending the supremacy of lawmakers in Brussels, is an important step in giving businesses, workers and consumers the certainty they need.
"And it will mean that as we seek a comprehensive new economic partnership with the EU, our allies will know that we start from a position where we have the same standards and rules.
David DavisGETTY
Around 1,000 EU laws will be quickly scrapped using 'Henry VIII' powers
There will be some things we want to put right
David Davis
“We won't want to change everything. There are lots of parts of EU law that we approve of, that are good, but there will be some things we want to put right.”
Other members of Government celebrated the prospect of ridding Britain of unnecessary red tape. 

David Davis makes no apologies for ambitious Brexit negotiation

Yesterday Boris Johnson joined Iain Duncan Smith in promising to “whittle away” EU laws.
The Foreign Secretary said: “It will be an opportunity for this country to get rid of some of the burdensome regulation that has accreted over the last 44 years.” 
Boris JohnsonGETTY
Boris Johnson celebrated the prospect of scrapping 'burdensome' EU rules
Mr Duncan Smith highlighted the cost benefits involved with shedding tedious and lengthly EU regulation - estimated by one think tank at £13 billion in savings per year. 
He said: “This is a huge undertaking and will in effect cover pretty much every domestic area.
"The list [of EU rules] stretches from banking and financial services, to agriculture and fisheries.
"Let us leave and then the Conservative Party at the next election needs to say, ‘we can reduce the cost on business and on individuals by reducing regulations which will improve our competitiveness, our productivity and therefore ultimately our economy.’”