Monday 14 August 2017

Calls for Philip Hammond to step down as Chancellor over 'lengthy' Brexit transition

VOTERS are calling for Philip Hammond to step-down as Chancellor for proposing a “lengthy and unnecessary” Brexit transition period.

All 82,654 of the electorate in his Runnymede and Weybridge constituency, where 54.3 per cent voted out, have been sent a letter urging them to call for their MP to be deselected over his stance.

While anyone can call for a minister to step down, the move is more likely to happen if their constituents call for them to be deselected.
The Leave.EU cross-party campaign has sent the letter in frustration as they say Mr Hammond’s actions are dividing the Cabinet which is “damaging the prospects of a successful Brexit" and "encouraging the EU to play games with the whole process”.
They have pointed out the 52 per cent proportion who voted to leave was the biggest ever democratic mandate from the British people.
The letter claims it was “made clear” by both sides of the debate Brexit would mean leaving the single market, ending free movement and ceasing payments to the EU.
Last week it was revealed Mr Hammond, who has been the area’s MP since its 1997 creation, was leading a group of ministers who want a ‘soft’ Brexit and a long transition period after the cabinet split into three over how to deal with leaving the EU in March 2019.
International Trade Secretary Liam Fox, who was leading the ‘hard’ Brexit group of ministers, made a joint statement with the Chancellor over the weekend, saying they both accept Britain will completely leave the single market and customs union.
However, other Tory ministers are dubious the truce will last because they said Mr Hammond holds Mr Fox in “contempt” for wanting to have a clean exit.
The Leave.EU letter accuses Mr Hammond of being part of a “cabal of Westminster MPs who believe that if they can delay exit, they can overturn the wishes of the 52 per cent who despite threats from the political classes drew upon the courage of their conviction at the ballot box”.
The letter added: “Runnymede and Weybridge is a safe Conservative seat that never changes hands but we would urge all Conservative voters that feel strongly about the Government’s lack of courage on Brexit to join the local party and make their voices heard.
“You have the ability to de-select your local MP at the next election by joining the local Conservative party and tabling a motion of no confidence at an extraordinary general meeting.
“Such an action was used successfully in 1997 – the same year Philip Hammond secured his parliamentary seat.
“You should only join the local association if you vote Conservative and want your voice to be heard by the National Conservative Party.
“A small number of people can make a difference.”