Monday 21 August 2017

Figures reveal Britain is better off after Brexit vote

TO UPDATE an old saying, there are lies, damned lies and Project Fear predictions.

Theresa MayGETTY
Figures have revealed Britain is better off after the Brexit vote
Remember when the then Tory chancellor George Osborne hit us with the thunderbolt that if we had the temerity to vote to leave the EU 820,000 jobs would be lost, there would be a year-long recession and every worker would be £800 a year worse off? 
It was nonsense, of course. 
He knew it then and we know it now. 
Thank goodness his scare-mongering didn’t frighten Brexit voters because research by the Change Britain group reveals that more than £50billion of investment and 44,000 new jobs have been announced since the referendum. 
The accuracy of their findings is borne out by last week’s news that 125,000 people found a job in the three months up to June, with employment at a record high. 
Looking ahead, the Economists For Free Trade group says that removing all trade tariffs and barriers after Brexit would generate a £135billion boom for Britain and make every household up to £40 a week better off. 
George Osborne
The Daily Express has said for years that freeing ourselves from the sclerotic grip of the failing EU would be the best thing that could happen to our country. 
That is because we have total confidence in the ability of our people to rise to any challenge, work through any problems and get on with earning a decent living in the world. 
Shame the Jeremiahs of the Remain camp trust their feeble tales of woe more than they trust you.