Tuesday 30 January 2018

The way EU leaders have treated the UK since June 2016 is shameful - EXPRESS COMMENT

MRS Merkel is said to have made journalists fall about laughing with her mockery of Theresa May. The German Chancellor said that when she asks our Prime Minister what she wants from Brexit Mrs May replies: “Make me an offer.”

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Cue much hilarity, according to ITV’s Robert Peston. 
It’s not funny though is it? How dare Angela Merkel mock the British Prime Minister in this way. 
It is absolutely shameful how European leaders and EU bureaucrats have treated our people and our nation since the referendum in 2016. 
We are not at war with any of these countries yet we are treated like pariahs merely for following through with a democratic decision made by a majority of voters.  
Angela Merkel and Theresa MayGETTY
Angela Merkel has shamefully mocked PM Theresa May

It is absolutely shameful how European leaders and EU bureaucrats have treated our people and our nation since the referendum in 2016
We are mocked and vilified and threatened at every turn. 
The Common Market which eventually morphed into the EU was created in the chaotic Europe of the post-war years. 
The entire continent owes Britain a debt of gratitude for its stand against the Nazis and the part it played in creating a secure and peaceful post-war world. 
All this has been wilfully ignored or forgotten.  
Angela Markel looking distressedGETTY
The EU leaders act like victors but they are terrified of losing the UK's financial support
The EU leaders act like victors when the fact is they are terrified of losing the UK’s financial support. 
Mrs May and her negotiators have been reasonable to a fault, wanting to find agreement and compromise. 
And yet our country is treated with contempt.
Grow up Mrs Merkel. 
