Thursday 30 August 2018

Michel Barnier says he will offer UK a unique trade pact as Macron 'softens position to avoid no-deal Brexit'

The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator has said he would offer the UK a trade agreement “such as there never has been”, while French President Emmanuel ­Macron was also reportedly softening his ­position in a bid avoid a "No Deal" scenario.

Michel Barnier in Germany today - AP
The EU has long insisted the UK would not be able to strike a bespoke deal, with Britain essentially being forced to choose between existing trading models, such as those used by Norway and Canada.
But in comments which prompted a rise in the value of the pound, Michel Barnier told reporters in Berlin the EU was prepared to offer the UK a unique agreement which would mean an unprecedentedly close relationship with the bloc.
It came as Dominic Raab, the Brexit Secretary, suggested the UK would pay the Brexit bill, estimated at £39billion, even if Britain left the EU without a deal.
Mr Raab said a disorderly Brexit would likely affect the speed and size of payments made to the EU but suggested ultimately the payments would still go ahead.

Brexiteers have insisted the payment of the bill must be linked to Brussels agreeing to a trade deal. 
The comments from the pair come as Brexit talks continue to intensify with Mr Barnier’s remarks providing Theresa May, the Prime Minister, with an unexpected boost.
We are prepared to offer Britain a partnership such as there never has been with any other third country
Michel Barnier, The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator
However, while his comments may be seen as a thawing in the EU’s hardline position, Mr Barnier did also re-state the bloc’s position that Britain will not be granted “a la carte” access to the single market.
Mr Barnier said: “We are prepared to offer Britain a partnership such as there never has been with any other third country.
“We respect Britain's red lines scrupulously. In return, they must respect what we are.
“Single market means single market ... There is no single market a la carte.”
The pound-to-Euro exchange rate was trading almost one per cent higher after the comments.
France has also signalled a shift in its position, with Mr Macron reportedly aiming to use an EU summit next month in Salzburg, Austria, to push for a new "alliance" between the bloc and Britain.
A new Continental structure would see "concentric circles" with the EU and Euro at its core and the UK in a second ring, according to The Times.
Mr Macron fears a no-deal Brexit will damage Europe, the newspaper reported. It quoted a diplomatic source as saying: "He sees a no-deal scenario as something that would break links and poison relations at a time when Europe needs to be united beyond the EU."

Earlier Mr Raab said he was "confident that a deal is within our sights" as he gave evidence to the Lords EU Committee. Mr Raab said a no deal scenario could affect the way in which the Brexit bill is paid.
He said: "The financial settlement, as it's calibrated in the withdrawal agreement, reflects a whole range of considerations not just the strict legal obligations.
“If we left with no deal then not only would there be a question around quite what the shape of those financial obligations were as a matter of strict law, but secondly on the timing.
"Remember that the timing of payments is actually - we overlook it on our side - rather important on the EU side because of the way money is distributed, but... I don't think it could be safely assumed on anyone's side that the financial settlement as has been agreed by the withdrawal agreement would then just be paid in precisely the same shape or speed or rate if there was no deal.
"As I said that would be a peculiar position for the UK to take because we view the package as a whole."
Mr Raab will go back to Brussels on Thursday ahead of a fresh round of meetings with Mr Barnier on Friday.

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32 viewing
  • Sultan
    40 minutes ago
    As long as the deal dosnt involve handing over money every week because that means we haven't left.

  • Snowflakes The End Of Sanity
    44 minutes ago
    Was always going to happen, they are scared of us leaving and not paying a penny

  • david
    31 minutes ago
    Have the Europeans finally blinked? Has the realisation of a no deal Brexit finally struck home? We should have played a stronger hand much earlier.