Tuesday 30 April 2019

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Apr - 30 Apr 2019

The Japan Times


Brexit: compromise or chaos?COMMENTARY / WORLDAPR 23, 2019

At long last, a whiff of compromise is in the air.

Brexit chaos leaves Scotland on independence tightrope


With the U.K. tearing its hair out over Brexit confusion, Scotland's government is biding its time as it prepares for the ultimate prize — independence. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, a strong opponent of Brexit, has said she will set out her thinking on independence ...
Japan government to monitor markets after Brexit delayed, Abe says


Japan will continue to urge the U.K. to avoid leaving the European Union without any deal, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Thursday, following news that an arrangement had been reached to delay Brexit by six months. On Wednesday, European Union and U.K. leaders agreed ...

May pleads with Macron and Merkel for Brexit delayWORLD / POLITICSAPR 10, 2019

British Prime Minister Theresa May toured Berlin and Paris on Tuesday to plead for an extension to the deadline for Brexit, which looked increasingly likely to be approved by EU leaders at a crunch meeting in Brussels. May has asked for a second extension to ...
As 'Brexodus' gap leaves U.K. short of nurses, Filipino candidates struggle with IELTS English test


Bracing for life after Brexit, U.K. hospitals badly need more nurses like Filipino Jobie Escalona. But she twice flunked the English language test that is required to get there, in which she was asked to write about topics such as the merits of immigration ...

U.K. Parliament rejects four alternatives to May's Brexit deal


The British Parliament has spoken — and it has said no, again. Lawmakers seeking a way out of the U.K.'s Brexit morass on Monday rejected four alternatives to the government's unpopular European Union divorce deal that would have softened or even halted the country's departure. With ...

BMW and Peugeot go ahead with temporary U.K. plant shutdowns despite Brexit delayBUSINESSAPR 2, 2019

BMW's Mini plant in Britain closes for four weeks from Monday and Peugeot's Vauxhall car factory shuts for two weeks in moves planned months ago to help the firms deal with any disruption resulting from Brexit, which has since been delayed. BMW, which builds just ...

Britain's Theresa May under pressure to forge softer EU divorce dealWORLD / POLITICSMAR 31, 2019

Britain's exit from the European Union was in disarray after the implosion of Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit strategy left her under pressure from rival factions to leave without a deal, go for an election or forge a much softer divorce. After one of the ...