Thursday 18 April 2019

Paxo: We’re Fed Up to the Back Teeth of Brexit

Jeremy Paxman speaks out saying a failure to deliver on Brexit would "show utter contempt for the voters".

by Patrick Sullivan, Political Editor - 18 April 2019

60 Minutes Australia recently secured an exclusive interview with veteran political journalist, and cranky national treasure, Jeremy Paxman, to find out what his views were on the state of Brexit. Mr. Paxman, articulated the frustration of an entire nation when he exclaimed, answering a question about how the British people view the Brexit process:
“I think they’re fed up to the back teeth, they don’t want to hear the word Brexit ever again.”
Mr. Paxman also sensationally revealed to 60 Minutes Australia, that he voted Remain in the 2016 Referendum, despite himself. He also made a firm point that failure to deliver on the 2016 Referendum result would be an insult to the British voter saying:
“I went into the polling station intending to vote Leave and ended up voting Remain because, I thought, it’s an awful institution the European Union but it’s all we’ve got. So that was why I changed my mind, which was a bit pathetic, I suppose. But, actually , I think now you can’t tell people that you are going to have a referendum and their vote will be respected and then not respect it. You just can’t do it. It shows utter contempt for the voters"