Sunday 2 February 2020

EU will fall apart the moment Britain emerges on the world stage as a thriving nation

The fabled Times headline sums up the panic in EU capitals as Nigel Farage marched his flag-waving troops out of the European Parliament for the last time on Wednesday.
 Britain is free and forging ahead - as EU heads to ignominy and beyond!
Britain is free and forging ahead - as EU heads to ignominy and beyond!
At that moment, a giant ­black hole replaced British MEPs who for almost half a century have lent Brussels at least the impression of ­democratic accountability.
Without us, without our ­constant nagging and especially without our £10BILLION a year going into its busted kitty — the ratchet of ever-closer union is about to strip its cogs.
What you see in the eyes of the new Commission and the EU’s ludicrous five presidents is sheer, unadulterated fear.
Until January 31 it was hard to say when the Grand Projet and its misbegotten euro would finally disintegrate.
Now we can. The European Union will fall apart the moment Great Britain emerges clearly and distinctly on the world stage as a thriving, ­prosperous, sovereign trading nation.
It will be at that point — quite soon, I would guess — that other EU member states will say: “We want what they’re having.”
French President Emmanuel Macron says ­Britain’s departure is “an historic warning sign which must be heard by all of Europe”. But, with suicidal certainty, his only solution is “more Europe”.
“I would be lying to you,” says this tin-pot Napoleon, “if I said the future of our country lies in less Europe.
“Europe cannot move forward unless we reform to make it more sovereign, more democratic, closer to our fellow citizens, and simpler.”
But the European Union can do none of those things.
It is designed top-down to be anti-democratic, remote from the people and infuriatingly complicated.
 Tin-pot Napoleon Macron's solution to other nations leaving the EU is 'more Europe'
Tin-pot Napoleon Macron's solution to other nations leaving the EU is 'more Europe'Credit: AFP or licensors
The moment it gives its 400 million increasingly resentful citizens a say, it is finished.
The EU is — along with the BBC, the Labour Party and Lib Dems — totally out of touch with the reality of life beyond its cushy, bubble-wrapped ivory towers.
The people of Europe, just like voters in the Midlands and North of England who deserted Britain’s metropolitan elite on December 12, know what’s going on.
They can see our thriving economy while theirs teeter on the brink.


They see we have near-full employment while their children risk being jobless for life. Italy, France and even Germany’s former powerhouse economy are in trouble.
Unless EU negotiators wake up, our departure with or without a deal will tip them over the edge.
It would have happened already if Greece had not been bullied out of Grexit.
By now that suffering nation would have been a prosperous tourist destination offering cheap but cheerful holidays in the sun.
Instead the Athens leadership rolled over, a brutal example set by Germany and France to any other renegade state thinking about leaving.
 Nigel Farage marched his flag-waving troops out of the European Parliament - and so will others
Nigel Farage marched his flag-waving troops out of the European Parliament - and so will othersCredit: AFP or licensors
Now the European Union is learning the hard way.
It is too late for reform. The centre, as they say, cannot hold. When it goes, it will bring hardship for those unfortunate citizens who have been lied to in the pursuit of ever-closer union — an inflexible totalitarian superstate.
For Brexiteers it has been a race to cut loose before the euro sinks — and sucks us down with it.
Some might argue we wasted three miserable years of non-military civil war under hapless Mrs May.
They turned with high hopes to Boris Johnson’s Tories.
Boris will now deliver a clear and unequivocal Brexit — whatever obstacles are placed in his path.
The sun is beginning to shine, we have a breeze in our sails — and the fog in the Channel is beginning to clear.
 December 12’s landslide election victory would have been impossible without conniving gargoyle Speaker Bercow plotting to thwart the will of the British people
December 12’s landslide election victory would have been impossible without conniving gargoyle Speaker Bercow plotting to thwart the will of the British peopleCredit: Splash News

Cheers, Az!

ALASTAIR Campbell says he won’t touch the new 50p Brexit piece in case he is tainted by Britain’s new sovereignty.
I am not so sensitive a hothouse plant. When I won a £50 bet with this campaigner against the   real people’s vote, by correctly predicting the 2016 referendum result, he handed me the blood-red note, curled his lip and snarled: “Disaster!”
I accepted his currency in a spirit of magnanimous victory. The superb bottle of champagne he paid for tasted extra good at 11pm last Friday.
Millions of people around the country celebrate the UK finally leaving the EU