Saturday 29 February 2020



Factbox: How the next EU budget will tackle climate change

EU leaders meet in Brussels on Thursday to haggle over the bloc's next seven-year budget, a hole of up to 80 billion euros (66.8 billion pounds) created by Brexit, and the need to finance initiatives including the 1 trillion euro European Green Deal.

Factbox: Reaction to Britain's new immigration rules

The British government has outlined a new immigration system to manage the flow of workers into the country and replace existing rules from Jan. 1 2021, when Britain will no longer be subject to European Union regulations.

Britain won't heed EU rules to win free trade - PM aide

Britain will not be threatened into following EU rules in the future by talk of economic rifts and is ready to trade with the bloc on basic international terms if needs be, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Europe adviser said on Monday.

Johnson reshapes ministerial team: who's in and who's out?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson forced the resignation of his finance minister on Thursday, a sign he was tightening his control in a government reshuffle designed to deliver his vision for Britain beyond Brexit.

Scottish salmon producers say Brexit will cost them 8.7 million pounds

Scottish salmon producers warned the British government on Monday that Brexit could place a burden of up to 8.7 million pounds on them if they were forced to provide export certificates for farmed fish sold to the European Union.