Tuesday 31 January 2017

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Jan - 31 Jan 2017

The Japan Times
Brexit Headlines

Nissan, Toyota back U.K. plants despite May's Brexit planBUSINESSJAN 19, 2017

Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. say they'll keep making cars in the U.K. despite Prime Minister Theresa May's plan to leave the European Union's single market, which could make exporting from British factories less lucrative. May's Brexit plan, outlined Tuesday, won't derail Nissan's ...

Britain will leave EU single market, May saysWORLD / POLITICSJAN 17, 2017

Britain will leave the European Union's single market when it exits the group, Prime Minister Theresa May said Tuesday, putting an end to speculation that London might try to seek a "soft Brexit." In a long-awaited speech in which she sought to define the country's ...

Speaking truth to powerCOMMENTARY / WORLDJAN 11, 2017

The resignation of Sir Ivan Rogers, the British ambassador to the European Union in Brussels, has raised serious issues not only about Britain's strategy for Brexit but also about relations between officials and politicians and their political advisers. Rogers was an experienced negotiator and former ...