Tuesday 17 January 2017

Theresa May's speech showed the world how we can leave the EU, and yet not leave Europe

I happened to listen to Peter Mandelson on the Today programme on Tuesday morning. He was asked to comment on the Prime Minister’s forthcoming speech on Europe ...

Theresa May set out her vision for Brexit Credit: Kirsty Wigglesworth/Getty  
I happened to listen to Peter Mandelson on the Today programme on Tuesday morning. He was asked to comment on the Prime Minister’s forthcoming speech on Europe, and he ventured the usual guff about how the government has no “plan” for Brexit, no vision, no idea how to enact the June 23 mandate of the people, and so forth.

I don’t know whether he then listened to Theresa May’s 6,300 word speech about Global Britain, but if he did then I fancy that even the noble lord Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool might have felt a little bit foolish.

The truth is that to anyone willing to think logically, the broad outlines of the PM’s conception of leaving the EU have been obvious for months. She spelt it out with total clarity. She set out a powerful and ambitious vision for this country, so that we can see exactly where we are going, and how we will get there. Point by point, she nailed the so-called...