Monday 19 June 2017

The Tories must deliver a hard Brexit for the UK - EXPRESS COMMENT

THE day has finally dawned: Brexit negotiations start now.

Brexit negotiationsGETTY - STOCK IMAGE
The Brexit negotiations will begin today
Amid the political turmoil of the last few weeks there has been a good deal of talk about “soft Brexit” and even “no Brexit”, not least as possible future contenders for the leadership of the Conservative party jockey for position behind the scenes. 
This must stop and our political leaders, rather than squabbling like ferrets in a sack, must put the interests of the country first. 

For a start, the UK voted by a clear majority to leave the EU last year and its wishes must be carried out. 
Secondly, if there is any attempt to water down the proposals, the public will lose what little trust in the political classes it once had. 

Britain stands on the edge of a precipice. Apart from ensuring that we get the best deals possible when we leave the EU, there is also the extraordinary and dangerous resurgence of the hard left. 
Any faltering on dealing with the first issue risks allowing power to pass into the hands of some of the most unfit people ever to hold high office on the Opposition benches. 
There is no turning back now and it is about time that the Tories stopped turning on one another. It is time for the infighting to stop and the party to stand together as one.