Sunday 1 October 2017

Boris Johnson admits May will be FORCED out for driving party into ground, Brexiteer says

BORIS Johnson believes Theresa May will be forced out of parliament as he plans to run for Tory leadership, a leading Eurosceptic revealed.

Theresa May insists 'the UK government is driven from the front'

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Allies of the Foreign Secretary warned that donors to the Conservative party were preparing to move their money offshore because the Prime Minister was “driving the party into the ground”.
A leading Eurosceptic, who spoke to Mr Johnson, said: “I detect a change of weather among MPs and donors. People who said to me in July that she must stay until 2019 are now saying: ‘I don’t think she’ll make it’ or ‘She shouldn’t make it.’
“A bunch of top donors are making preparations to move things offshore because they think May is running the whole party into the ground. If the conference is a mess, it could all take off fast.”
This comes after Boris once again stole the spotlight after he challenged Theresa May on Brexit ahead of the Conservative Party Conference.
Theresa May under pressure from Boris Johnson GETTY
Theresa May under pressure from Boris Johnson
Another Eurosceptic said the movement to remove the Theresa May could “take off fast” unless she got a grip.
MPs said that if the Prime Minister was too weak to maintain discipline amongst fellow MPs, she should make way for someone who could.
Boris Johnson allegedly mocked Theresa May as a “slave” to her ex-aides Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill.

SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, tweeted: "This ‘Boris as Foreign Secretary’ joke really isn’t funny anymore (if it ever was)."
Not only has Mr Johnson received backlash from opposition party members, but fellow Tory MPs have also urged Theresa May to sack him following her admission that she did not approve the contents of the foreign secretary’s 4,200-word Brexit blueprint before it was published.
She was not even aware of its contents and was only given a brief tip-off moments before it was public.

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The PM holds a Cabinet Meeting at Chequers GETTY
The PM holds a Cabinet Meeting at Chequers
The Foreign Secretary climbed to the top of the YouGov poll after he published his vision for Brexit, for which he earnt some heavy criticism from senior members of the Tory party.
In the YouGov/Times poll, Boris led the pack on 23 per cent, followed by Scottish firebrand Ruth Davidson on 19 per cent and upstart Jacob Rees-Mogg who won 17 per cent of support.
Boris Johnson said there can be “no monkeying around” about withdrawal from the EU.
Boris Johnson led Tory Brexit charge GETTY
Boris Johnson led Tory Brexit charge
This comes after the Foreign Secretary faced a backlash from fellow MPs and ministers following an interview in The Sun that further added to his leadership ambitions.
A Cabinet Minister said Mr Johnson is becoming increasingly isolated on the front bench.
Mr Johnson reportedly told a colleague: “That’s modern slavery right there,” after he is said to realise that he only has one more shot as Tory leader.