Thursday 26 October 2017

House-price worries tarnish positive outlook for UK consumers

LONDON (Oct 26): UK consumers continue to gain back confidence lost after the Brexit vote, but home values are becoming a concern.
October 26, 2017  
An index from YouGov and the Centre for Economics and Business Research published Thursday showed that consumer confidence rose to its highest measure since March, with people reporting a more positive outlook for their future household finances and job security. Measures of house values, by contrast, dropped.
“October marks the highest consumer confidence score since March, which bodes well for households and the economy more generally,” said Nina Skero, head of macroeconomics at the Cebr. “The downtick in the house value measures is a concern, however, given that one’s perception of own home value has direct implications on their future willingness to spend.”
House-price growth has been slowing across the country for months, with values in the capital falling the most since the financial crisis in September.