Friday 8 December 2017

How are the Brexit talks going?

Brexit tracker

08 Dec 2017, 12:14pm

State of play

Article 50 provides that the UK has two years - some 730 days - to extricate itself from the European Union. Now, the UK must make a success of complex Brexit negotiations across a number of areas. These areas range from issues like aviation rights and farming, to legal sovereignty and citizens’ rights.
The European Commission announced on Friday that “sufficient progress” has been made in the first phase of Brexit talks and discussions can now move onto trade, after compromises were found on the Irish border and citizens’ rights.
The Telegraph’s Brexit negotiations tracker monitors the progress of the EU-UK talks across 12 key areas. Each area lists the three most pressing issues, analysing progress as the negotiations inch forwards to 29 March 2019.

Last updated 8 DECEMBER 2017 • 3:41:11PM

Northern Ireland and the Irish border 

Northern Ireland’s 310-mile border with the Republic of Ireland has been a sticking point in the first phase of negotiations. All sides have now agreed in principle to do everything possible to avoid a hard border.

Ireland’s 310-mile border with the Republic of Ireland has been a sticking point in the first phase of negotiations. All sides have now agreed in principle to do everything possible to avoid a hard border.

Key Issues

What will be the new border arrangement between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland?

For the most detailed and up-to-date look at how negotiations are unfolding see: