Friday 8 December 2017

Nicola Sturgeon loses all influence over Brexit

Even for a politician with a penchant for bare faced hypocrisy, yesterday’s effort from Nicola Sturgeon took the biscuit. Her demand for a cross-party effort to thwart a “reckless UK Government from driving the whole country over a cliff edge” was literally breathtaking.
Here was a politician, who only 18 months ago had charged her civil servants to draw up plans to break up Britain after the EU referendum result. Yet here she was calling for Unionists to join her to stop a hard Brexit.
The First Minister could have launched such a movement at any time during the last year-and-a-half if she’d been prepared to do one thing: put the interests of her constituents before that of her party.
She would have had to abandon her pursuit of Scottish independence, something that was decisively rejected in a referendum three years ago. But that was the last thing she was prepared to do, because she knows...