Monday 16 July 2018

Jacob Rees-Mogg 'RUNNING BRITAIN' after Theresa May CAVES IN on Brexit

THERESA May has caved in to demands from hardline Brexiteers as MPs prepare to vote on a crucial government White Paper.

By Martin Coulter / 

The PM has accepted all four amendments to the Brexit customs bill tabled by a group of Eurosceptic Tory backbenchers.

A Downing Street source said: "We will be accepting these four amendments because we feel they are consistent with the white paper we published last week."
A Brexiteer source said the move confirmed that "Chequers is dead on arrival" after the Government accepted all four reforms put forward by Eurosceptics such as Jacob Rees-Mogg, Sir Bernard Jenkin, Priti Patel and Iain Duncan Smith.
Tory Remainer Anna Soubry suggested Mr Rees-Mogg was now "running Britain".
REBEL: Rees-Mogg has been among the most vocal Tory backbenchers

Labour MP Stephen Kinnock accused the PM of "dancing to the tune" of the European Research Group (ERG) of Tory Brexiteers and claimed that by "capitulating", the Chequers deal is now "dead in the water".
But Mrs May insisted the amendments do not change the blueprint agreed at her country residence.
She told MPs: "He is absolutely wrong in his reference to the agreement that was reached at Chequers, I would not have gone through all the work that I did to ensure that we reached that agreement only to see it changed in some way through these Bills.
"They do not change that Chequers agreement and the minister from the despatch box later today will be making that clear."
The news comes just hours after May ruled out a second referendum on leaving the EU “under any circumstances”.
A spokesman told reporters: "The British public have voted to leave the European Union. There is not going to be a second referendum ... under any circumstances.”
Treasury Parliamentary Private Secretary Scott Mann handed in his resignation over fears of a "watered down Brexit".
He is the ninth MP to jump ship in just ten days after former Brexit Secretary David Davis abandoned his post last week.
Former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson followed Mr Davis, unwilling to compromise on May's "weak" Brexit.
Ben Bradley also quit as Tory party vice-chairman, issuing a harsh warning to the PM.
All eyes are now on the Remainer MPs, who may yet join with Labour to vote against and overturn Government plans.