Friday 27 July 2018

We are being sold down Brexit river

WELL, the Governor of the Bank of England has said it and about time too. Mark Carney has made plain to a committee of MPs that the damage to the other 27 nations of the EU if our Brexit negotiations finally crash in ruins will be infinitely worse than the damage to Britain.
Mark Carney
Mark Carney has said the impact of a no deal Brexit would hit EU member states harder than UK (Image: GETTY)
At the core of this danger is neither the efforts of the traitorous fifth column at the heart of the British establishment which has been working assiduously for two years to deny their choice to a clear majority of the British, nor the bumbling incompetence of the team around Theresa May (at her own appointment, by the way).
It is the adamantine attitude of EU team chief Michel Barnier who may well not even grant the terms of the Chequers plan, scuttle though it is.
The Eurocrats care not a fig for the ensuing damage of their arrogance. Euro-manufacturers, businessmen, craftsmen and workers may be made redundant or bankrupt. 
They don't care, cushioned as they are by massive salaries, luxury suites and limos at the door. All that will go on - for them.
Surely we should use the long, hot summer to out-manoeuvre them. 
Send a skilled emissary to talk to every premier of the 27 and explain, with proof, the nature of the damage that faces them all if we, with our huge purchasing power, are forced to turn away from Europe and shop elsewhere. 
I have said before and it is daily confirmed by our own commercial giants, that the world is avid to increase trade with us - and that can only diminish EU trade.
For far too long the snowflakes and saboteurs at the top of our society have been downplaying our huge strengths in world terms - our trillions in invested assets, ingenuity, engineering skills, inventiveness and financial expertise. 
We have absolutely no need to go cap in hand to anyone on this earth.
We have the capacity to trade freely with five continents, not one, and the other four are gagging for us to turn towards them as, 40 years ago, we turned away from them on the grounds - now plainly mistaken - that future prosperity for our people lay in absorption into the EU.
Back then no one told us of the subordination which would become an inseparable part of that absorption and which we voted to end two years ago.
If anyone suggested that he or she disagreed with the outcome of a general election that impudent fool would be laughed out of court.
Yet a national referendum is a general election in all but two particulars. One still question and one constituency is a referendum.
Well, the question was put and we answered it.
So how come a fifth column of politicians and civil servants, wholly living off our taxes, dependent for every mouthful of food and the roofs over their heads on our money, are allowed to work night and day to deprive us of what we want? 
Anyone is entitled to work for what they hold to be desirable provided they pay their own way in the world. But bureaucrats are our servants, yet thousands daily work against us and our chosen future
The reason Theresa May will never be forgiven is that she has very clearly preferred to surround herself with this fifth column and allowed them to create a template that, if activated, would see us on our hands and knees for ever.
Talk of "hard Brexit" and "soft Brexit" is pointless. All we ever wanted was a fair Brexit - a formula for British-EU cohabitation based on common sense, mutual benefit and goodwill. 
All three qualities are present on this island but constantly undermined by a powerful minority in high office.
Where, oh where, is the Churchill or Thatcher with the guts to come to office and start the cleansing of the Augean stables that now constitute the way our land is run?