Sunday 2 September 2018

Theresa May says second Brexit referendum would be a 'betrayal of democracy'

Theresa May has batted away calls for a second EU referendum, saying such a move would be a "betrayal of democracy".

Posted On: 
2nd September 2018

theresa mayThe Prime Minister said that her government was committed to delivering Brexit
PA Images

The Prime Minister dismissed demands for a so-called People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal - despite growing support for the campaign among her own backbenchers and party donors. 
Instead, Mrs May said that agreeing to a second vote would equate to a "gross betrayal of our democracy…and trust."
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, she said: "In the summer of 2016 millions came out to have their say. In many cases, for the first time in decades they trusted that their vote would count; that after years of feeling ignored by politics, their voices would be heard.
"To ask the question all over again would be a gross betrayal of our democracy - and a betrayal of trust.”
She added: "We want to leave with a good deal and we are confident we can reach one. But. Of course there is still a lot more negotiating to be done."
But her comments come as Conservative party donor, Sir Simon Roberts, backed a second referendum, and said he was "deeply depressed" at the tone of the Brexit debate.
Speaking to the Observer, the former Rolls-Royce chairman took aim at the Prime Minister, saying: "I think it is complete balderdash to say the people have spoken, therefore you can’t go back. The people can speak again - why can’t we have another vote on it?
“We had a brilliant deal with Europe. We had an opt-out on ever closer union.”
He added: “We are going to end up with one where, at the end of things, we won’t have a final say.”
But the Prime Minister insisted that she would not “give in” to those calling for a second vote, adding that she would “not be pushed” into compromises on her Chequers if they were not in the “national interest.”
She added: “This government will fulfil the democratic decision of the British people by ensuring that the UK leaves the European Union on 29th March next year.”
The Prime Minister's vow came amid reports that her former elections guru, Sir Lynton Crosby, is working with Brexiteer MPs to kill of her Chequers plan for leaving the European Union.