Wednesday 16 January 2019

Theresa May tries to turn screw on Corbyn after surviving no confidence vote

Theresa May has criticised Jeremy Corbyn for refusing to take part in emergency Brexit talks after she scraped through a vote of no confidence in her Government’s handling of the crisis.

May survives confidence vote amid claims EU will
offer shock Brexit delay
In a speech outside Downing Street on Wednesday night, the Prime Minister urged MPs to put self-interest aside and confirmed she had held talks with the SNP, Plaid and Lib Dems – but that Jeremy Corbyn had chosen not to take part.
Mr Corbyn had previously said he will only take part in cross-party talks if Mrs May takes the prospect of a ‘no deal’ Brexit off the table.
Elsewhere, significantly, it has emerged that the EU could be preparing to offer a delay in Brexit until next year, with French and German officials believing the UK to be in such a logjam that it will take at least 12 months to resolve.
Previous planning had centred on a three-month delay to Brexit from March 29 until the end of June but now, according to sources quoted by The Times, EU officials are investigating legal routes to postpone Britain’s withdrawal until 2020.

Theresa May speaks outside Downing Street on Wednesday night. (PA)

May survives… just

Earlier, Mrs May survived an attempt to topple her Government by a majority of just 19 votes.
Mr Corbyn had called the vote after the PM suffered a bruising defeat on her Brexit deal yesterday – the largest defeat for a Government in modern history.
Mr Corbyn had hoped to trigger an early general election with the help of rebel Tories and smaller parties, but Mrs May survived by 325 votes to 306.