Saturday 27 July 2019

Our diverse new Cabinet shows us the best of Britain

SAJID Javid's father arrived from Pakistan in 1961 with just £1 in his pocket. He found work as a bus driver in Bristol and brought up his family on Stapleton Road, once dubbed "the worst street in Britain".

And it's easy to see why. It was, according to one report, "a lawless hellhole" with murder, rape, shootings, drug-pushing, prostitution, knifings and violent robbery "commonplace". But Javid senior instilled in his son the virtues of hard work and the young Sajid, who attended a state school, made it to Exeter University, his springboard to a job in the City. And not just any old job. Within two decades, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks was a board member of Deutsche Bank, earning £3million a year. Coining it as an investment banker was not the limit of his ambition, however. In 2010 he entered politics as Conservative MP for Bromsgrove. Now he has been appointed to one of the "great offices of state", Chancellor of the Exchequer.
It is a remarkable tale of advancement against the odds, an inspiration to people from similar backgrounds, a development we can all welcome as fresh evidence Britain is becoming a more inclusive society.
Yes, Left-wing commentators will harp on about the fact that Boris Johnson is an old Etonian, who studied at Oxford like every university-educated prime minister since 1937 except Gordon Brown. And yes, they will point out that 64 per cent of his Cabinet went to private schools. But Johnson's new-look Cabinet boasts a record six black or ethnic minority members. And the 64 per cent figure is well down on the 91 per cent of Mrs Thatcher's Cabinet.
Nor are they token appointments. Three of the four great offices of state are occupied by people from diverse backgrounds. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab - who will double as deputy prime minister - is a man of Jewish descent and Home Secretary Priti Patel, a woman of Hindu heritage, with Ugandan Indian immigrant parents.
Other ethnic minority members who will attend Cabinet are Alok Sharma, the International Development Secretary, Rishi Sunak, chief secretary to the Treasury, James Cleverly, chairman of the Conservative Party and Kwasi Kwarteng, energy minister.
The other good news is that 24 per cent of the Cabinet are women. While this is not an all-time high - Theresa May's top team was 31 per cent female - many of the eight women ministers hold important roles. Apart from Patel, Theresa Villiers is Environment Secretary, Amber Rudd Work and Pensions Secretary, Liz Truss International Trade Secretary, Nicky Morgan Culture Secretary and Baroness Evans is leader of the House of Lords. The average age of Boris's Cabinet is another sign of progress. While 48 may not sound that young, it is three years younger than the average age of Mrs May's Cabinet.
Javid and Priti Patel, flanked by Boris Johnson and Andrea Leadsom (Image: JESSICA TAYLOR/AFP/Getty Images)
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab (Image: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images)
In short, never before has a Conservative Cabinet looked more diverse. And in that it reflects society as a whole.
When Sadiq Khan was elected mayor of London, Sajid Javid, then the Business Secretary, tweeted: "From one son of a Pakistani bus driver to another, congratulations."
Former Tory Party chairman Baroness Sayeeda Warsi followed that up with: "From this daughter of a Pakistani bus driver to a son of a Pakistani bus driver, congratulations."
This exchange prompted one Conservative activist to tweet: "Bus drivers are clearly the new Etonians."
While this may be going too far, the fact is that yet another Asian Briton from the working class had achieved a first by becoming the most powerful politician outside Westminster.
And politics is not the only field to have thrown up ethnic minority role models. Lord Bilimoria, the India-born founder of Cobra Beer, is vice president of employers' organisation the CBI and, earlier this year, the head of Ofcom Sharon White, who is of Afro-Caribbean heritage, was named the new £990,000-a-year chair of the department store chain John Lewis.
No one would claim that there is not more work to be done in giving the disadvantaged better opportunities to climb the greasy pole in politics and elsewhere. But Rome, as they say, was not built in a day.
The fact that our new Prime Minister's cabinet is much less male and pale than so many of its predecessors means that you no longer have to be an Old Etonian to see a role model among its ranks.