Tuesday 9 July 2019

Who is the most biased BBC presenter? You vote

You can’t have missed The Conservative Woman’s promotion of the Stop BBC Bias crowdfunding campaign these last few days. 
We thought in the further interests of the broadcaster’s impartiality and objectivity we should find out for them (they won’t ask) who, in your opinion, is the most biased of its leading news and current affairs presenters.
You can choose here:

Who, in your opinion, is the most biased the BBC's leading news and current affairs presenters?
91 people are talking about this


Maitlis – most biased by a mile


OUR poll has closed and the results are in. And it is decisive. Emily Maitlis, it is time for some self-examination.
Who, in your opinion, is the most biased the BBC's leading news and current affairs presenters?
91 people are talking about this
More than half, 52 per cent, chose her as the most biased BBC presenter. Andrew Marr came second in this discreditable race to the bottom with 37 per cent, followed by Mishal Husain and Evan Davis almost level pegging at 11 and 10 per cent.
Our guess is that Emily doomed herself with her recent hectoring presentation of the BBC Tory leadership contest debate, which turned into something of a debacle when the BBC’s failure to vet its handpicked guests emerged.
To be fair – though I am not sure why we should be as the BBC never is – Maitlis’s and Marr’s scores could be down to their higher TV profiles. The lesser-known radio interviewers Husain and Davis, (fronting Radio 4’s Today and PM) can be equally objectionable.
Needless to say many of you, like us at TCW, are daily driven mad by the presenters’ prejudices and lines of attack.
Here are some of your comments, with which we have much sympathy.
To get the rebukes out of the way, yes, we could have included plenty of other BBC names (though not James O’Brien, because however grotesque he is, I’m afraid he doesn’t qualify for a BBC poll) like Edward Gaskell’s nomination:
‘The cheesiest, most bigoted BBC presenter, currently receiving possibly the most obese amount of licence payers’ hard-earned money, the presenter of Match of the Day: Gary Left-Wing Lineker. Misusing the privilege and power given to him on a plate by the BBC, he wastes no chance to brainwash the young and impressionable.’
or TimNBD’s selection:
to which Jingleballix added:
What about Kirsty Wark?
What about Huw Edwards?
What about all those Richard IIIs on Radio 4? Jim Naughtie must be the Emperor Penguin of bias.
As for the reporters – take your pick . . . so many I have thrown metaphorical rocks at the screen over the years . . . Katya Adler, Orla Guerin, Lyse Doucet, Norman Smith, Mark Mardell, Jon Sopel, Fergal Keane, Hugh Pym, Will Gompertz . . . and of course the biggest tw*t of them all, Amol Rajan.
I went on the QT audience once. I told my wife and she said, ‘Which show is that – the one you always shout ‘***ts’ at the screen?’
So the question is (for us – at TCW) whether there a case for three more elimination rounds and a final contest between the most biased four? Or should we put our hands up and accept your damning judgement on our question, ‘Who is the most biased BBC presenter?’ which brought these comments from you:
Uusikaupunki wrote:
That is like asking whether a bullet to the head or ingesting cyanide is going to make you any more dead.
CheshireRed wrote:
Impossible to split them, after all they adhere to the collectivist BBC pro-EU, anti-Brexit, pro-‘climate change’ loon-bucket mindset, so best we tar them all accordingly.
Hang them, hang them all!
derekandclive wrote:
This is one of those trick unanswerable questions – it’s like asking which is the most remain-biased word out of remain, remain, remain, remain, remain and remain?
Northeastnostromo wrote:
An old one, but it’s like trying to pick the tallest man in a basketball team (or should I say person?)
Abominable_Yeoman may have summed it up best:

Are they different people? I thought it was the same android with pre-programmed speech that was dressed according to the character it was playing.