Monday 29 July 2019

Boris Johnson wants renewal of 'ties that bind UK'

Boris Johnson has called for a renewal of "the ties that bind our United Kingdom" ahead of his first visit to Scotland as prime minister.

29 Jul 2019  9.00am  BBC

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Boris JohnsonImage copyrightPA MEDIA
Image captionMr Johnson said he was a "passionate believer in our great Union"
During Monday's visit he will announce £300m of funding for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
It comes the day after Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson said she would not back his plans for a no-deal Brexit.
Mr Johnson has insisted the UK will leave the EU by 31 October with or without a deal.
During his visit to a Scottish military base, Mr Johnson will set out how the latest "growth deals" plan will help communities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Under the plan, the funding will go towards projects in Falkirk, the Islands and Argyll and Bute in Scotland, as well as to parts of Northern Ireland and Wales.
Ahead of his visit, he said: "Our union is the most successful political and economic union in history. We are a global brand, and together we are safer, stronger and more prosperous.
"So as we prepare for our bright future after Brexit, it's vital we renew the ties that bind our United Kingdom.
"I'm proud to be in Scotland today to make clear that I am a passionate believer in our great union, and I look forward to visiting Wales and Northern Ireland to ensure that every decision I make as prime minister promotes and strengthens our union."
Mr Johnson also plans to go to Wales to meet members of its farming community and Northern Ireland to discuss ongoing efforts to restore devolution at Stormont.

No-deal Brexit

The prime minister is also expected to meet Ms Davidson during his trip to Scotland, amid questions over the extent of her backing for his Brexit strategy.
Mr Johnson has said there are "no ifs, no buts" over his pledge to take the UK out of the EU by 31 October, and three new committees have been formed to ensure this happens.
One of them - a "daily operations committee" - is made up of senior cabinet ministers responsible for overseeing all of government's preparation for leaving, including planning for a no deal.
Meanwhile, the CBI has warned the government neither the UK nor the EU are ready for a no-deal Brexit on 31 October.
Ruth DavidsonImage copyrightPA MEDIA
Image captionRuth Davidson said she backed Mr Johnson as prime minister but would not give her support to a no-deal Brexit
On Sunday, Ms Davidson said that while Mr Johnson had her "full support" in his efforts to secure a withdrawal agreement with the EU, she did not agree with a no-deal Brexit.
Writing in the Scottish Mail on Sunday, she said: "When I was debating against the pro-Brexit side in 2016, I don't remember anybody saying we should crash out of the EU with no arrangements in place to help maintain the vital trade that flows uninterrupted between Britain and the European Union."
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has also warned Mr Johnson about "the strength with which I and others will oppose his threat of a no-deal Brexit".
This was echoed by the Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, who told the prime minister in a joint letter with Ms Sturgeon that it would be "unconscionable" for the UK to leave the EU without a deal.

The funds announced by Mr Johnson on Monday are the latest in a series of "city deal" agreements where the UK and Scottish governments put forward funds for investment in local projects.
These have already seen billions of pounds committed to economic growth and infrastructure in areas including Glasgow, Aberdeen, the Highlands, Stirling, Edinburgh, Dundee and Perth.
However, Scottish Finance Secretary Derek Mackay said the cash announced on Monday was already under negotiation before Mr Johnson became prime minister.
"This isn't new funding," he told the BBC's Good Morning Scotland programme.
"This was all in the pipeline anyway, so it's really recycled finance which is a totally unimpressive announcement from a prime minister that wants to reset a relationship with Scotland."
Scottish Secretary Alister Jack, meanwhile, welcomed the move, saying that existing growth deals "are helping to create jobs and boost local economies right across Scotland".
Northern Ireland Secretary Julian Smith said he looked forward to "making the most" of the funding, while Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns said he and Mr Johnson were committed to building on the "successes" of the growth deals already in place across Wales.
The growth deal plan comes after Mr Johnson announced a £3.6bn towns fund over the weekend, which will initially support 100 locations in England.