Saturday 31 August 2019

JAPAN TIMES Brexit Headlines: 1 Aug - 31 Aug 2019

The Japan Times



Boris Johnson seeks legal advice on closing Parliament early to cement Brexit: ObserverWORLDAUG 25, 2019

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked Attorney General Geoffrey Cox if Parliament can be shut down for five weeks starting early next month, the Observer newspaper reported, citing a leaked email from senior government advisers to an adviser in No. 10 Downing St. The move ... 

Squabbles erupt as G7 leaders open summit in French resort


Squabbles erupted among G7 nations Saturday as their leaders gathered for an annual summit, exposing sharp differences on global trade tensions, Britain's exit from the EU and how to respond to the fires raging in the Amazon rainforest. French President Emmanuel Macron, the summit host, ...

Trump's message to G7 leaders this weekend: Be more like U.S.WORLD / POLITICSAUG 23, 2019

President Donald Trump will highlight U.S. economic policies under his stewardship at meetings with other G7 leaders this weekend in France and encourage allies to follow the American model to stave off problems with the global economy, officials said. Trump will attend the G7 summit ...
U.K. and EU only harden their positions on Brexit as G-7 nears


The European Union and Britain, which are hurtling toward a costly, damaging no-deal split in a little over two months, kicked off a high-wire week of diplomacy Tuesday by entrenching themselves deeper in their irreconcilable positions. Highlighting new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's determination to ...
Johnson's opening Brexit bid lands flat with EU leaders


U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's demand that the European Union reopen the Brexit divorce deal was rebuffed on Tuesday by the bloc, which said Britain had failed to propose any realistic alternative to an agreed upon insurance policy for the Irish border. After more than ...

U.S. and Britain discuss trade deal that could take effect on Nov. 1, first day after BrexitBUSINESSAUG 14, 2019

U.S. and Britain discuss trade deal that could take effect on Nov. 1, first day after Brexit

Britain and the United States are discussing a partial trade accord that could take effect on Nov. 1, the day after Britain is due to leave the European Union, a senior Trump administration official said on Tuesday. During a visit to London, U.S. national security ... 

Johnson plans U.K. visa shake-up to attract science talent


Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled plans Thursday for a new fast-track visa route for "the brightest and best," in a bid to attract the world's top scientists to Britain after Brexit. The "shake-up" of immigration rules is aimed at encouraging elite researchers and specialists in ...
Can an election stop a no-deal Brexit?


Will he, won't he — and can he be stopped? Westminster is abuzz with talk of whether Britain's new Prime Minister Boris Johnson will use an election to force through his Brexit plan. Many MPs are deeply opposed to his threat to take Britain out ...