Friday 2 August 2019

MUST WATCH: Michael Gove's outstanding speech in Parliament

Michael Gove takes apart Jeremy Corbyn in Parliament speech

Michael Gove's speech in Parliament on the state of the Labour leadership before the Government won a vote of no-confidence.

04:30 Most successful country in Europe for new foreign direct investments of more than GBP1.3 trillion invested last year, "despite BREXIT".


Published on 17 Jan 2019


I like to come back to this from time to time. Gove eviscerates Corbyn, deservedly.


This should be titled the roast of Jeremy Corbyn.
Lee Edwards

This is probably the best speech I have heard from the House of Commons. Absolutely outstanding!
Darren Baxter

I worry what would happen if Corbyn became PM one day... we would be doomed as a nation
Angry Gromit

Mr Gove is far from my favorite MP, but I have to admit, this was good work.
Michael Leung

#topbants "and Channel have left Paris to set up corporate offices in London"

This should be compulsory viewing for all Labour Party supporters. Corbyn is exposed exactly for what he is. If Corbyn had any dignity he would go into self imposed exile in
communist China.
Richard Humble

Mr Grove sir I salute you you ripped him a new one
lMush x

Vicky Polard YEA BUT NO BUT hahah
Chris Owens

I bet she was thinking, 'damn good show....I bloody wish I could do that....'
Ron Ryan

I do not vote Conservative, but what a great speech!!!!! well done Mr Gove.
UKcitizens Comefirst

The labour Party must be blind ...They will never get into Power with Mr Jeremy(Steptoe)Corbyn as their leader
Joshua Perry

Michael Gove. Im sorry i don't know enough about you mate. That was awesome!

Sajid Javid is loving it. JRM was my first choice, but you can do a lot worse than Sajid Javid as Chancellor.
David V.

Brilliant speech and he may have ,one day, been PM . But he will always be judged by his back stabbing of Boris .people don't like disloyalty..
Conrad Wolf

Any speech with an invocation of Vicky Pollard is bound for greatness. 😂
stephen morris

Peter Pan

By Gove! What a speech!!!!

In no way a Tory fan but this is a phenomenal speech from a superb debater. I saw him debate in person in October, and he made the Agricuture Bill actually interesting.
Steve Shaw

That is how you rip someone a new arsehole.
John Heppenstall

Gove could have been in Mays place if he had not jumped the gun and back stabbed Boris, Great speech. We would have been out of EU by now.
Derek Porter

The look of mock concern that Corbyn puts on when he is being taken apart is so false.
Des Colhoun

Did you see Corbyn's face. I've witnessed more comfortable ones in a butcher shop window. Well done,Gove:what a brilliant effort.
Thomas Musso

Diane Abbott giving a meaningful speech 😳 😁😁😁. The Arithmetically Gifted Genius .. shades of Jacob Zuma ..
Give credit where it is due .. a good roasting of JC.
Adrian Hockey

I don’t particularly like Michael Gove, however he was absolutely brilliant giving this speech.
Denise Hards

Denis Forster

Was never a Gove fan, but saw this months ago. Best I’ve seen by a Tory by a long mile. Watched it again tonight and again I loved it. Passion

Absolutely class speech!
Luke Rooney

“We know their defence policy: withdrawal, retreat, surrender. Withdrawal from the world, retreat from our responsibilities, surrender to European federalism! You can’t trust Labour
on defence.” Michael Portillo Tory party conference 1995. Words still relevant if not more
today than then.
Billy Bob

Mr Gove ripped Corbyn a new one.
Paul Nichols

Absolutely brilliant!!
Allison Allen

What a masterful speech! Like others who have viewed this, I find new respect for this man.

Despite the fact that Gove manages to wind up the entire nation just by appearing on television - this was an excellent speech and he nailed why Corbyn can never be prime
minister - can't help wondering if most Labour MPs were quietly agreeing with him.
Bob Jackson

I honestly didn't think Gove had that speech in him... bloody good job
Graham Lamb

Pity he stabbed Boris in the back, thereby letting May in
Marjorie. Rob Gibb May

Remain in the EU under the Lisbon treaty will take all the fishing right from Scotland Ireland England and Wales. What a balls up!!!
Christine Copus

I wish l could express myself in this manner,well said.

Regretfully he forgets that Theresa May in no way stood up to the EU and bowed down to all their demands and begged for time not to get us out of the EU as was voted for by the
majority. Is he also going to tell us we didn't know what we were voting for? He brought up
fighting for democracy when Theresa May and her party are and have fought against the vote democratic to leave from the very start.
Peter Pan

Note...where is the europhile chancellor??? clearly not a Gove supporter!
Sunny R

Brutal! And I love it. Let’s continue to stand strong against JC
Paul Ward

Corbyn's time has gone but thankfully the cult will keep him as

Imagine Diane Abbott making a lengthy speech like that? Mind you don't die laughing by merely thinking about it.
Tom Photoix

Needed a mic drop at the end but other than that, pretty good.
Georgie Roy Forman

Normally so polite and casual. WOW !!!...Fiery Mike certainly got the adrenalin going !. What an Amazing Speech ! ( My TOP 3 political figures,... Gove / Farage / Rees-Mogg. )
June Bilton

Brilliant speech by Gove.