Thursday 31 December 2020

Brexit deal destroys SNP argument for independence in their search for Indyref2! (4k)


Brexit deal destroys SNP argument for independence in their search for Indyref2! (4k)

31 Dec 2020

100K subscribers
The SNP were particularly vociferous in their anti-Brexit arguments in the debates this morning, so it's a good job I had my Blackford Defenders on hand! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK ON YOUTUBE VIA PATREON AT: OR VIA PAYPAL: Merch: FACEBOOK: @JeffTaylorBrexit TWITTER: @JeffTaylorUK Brexit deal destroys SNP argument for independence in their search for Indyref2! Next year, the SNP will suddenly find that they have destroyed their independence argument with their own position on the Brexit deal! During the Brexit debates on the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill in the House of Commons this morning, SNP politicians kept talking about this awful Brexit Agreement that will deal a hammer blow to the Scottish economy. The SNP leader in Westminster, Ian Blackford, talked about the damage it would do to the £16 billion in exports from Scotland to the EU. The picture he painted was of a Scotland about to be laid waste to by this deal. And no more freedom of movement, he wailed. He was definitely playing to the Scots Nats gallery on this one. Basically, he said that the destruction, devastation, and ruination that Boris Johnson would wreak on Scotland through this deal would bring destitution and impoverishment to all of Scotland's people. So much so that his party will be voting against the deal, so effectively backing the no-deal Brexit outcome instead. But given that the vote at second reading was 521 MPs in support of the bill and 73 against I think the writing's on the wall, don't you? But I'm not sure Blackford and the SNP have thought this anti-Brexit deal thing through to its logical conclusion though. Here's the problem for them. According to, in 2018 the Scottish exports of £85 billion were made up as follows: Exports to the EU: £16.1 Bn (or 19% of the total). Exports to the Rest of the World: £17.7 Bn (or 21% of the total). And: Exports to the Rest of the UK: £51.2 Bn (or 60% of the total). And what Nicola Sturgeon, Ian Blackford and the rest of the SNP and their supporters are saying, is that this trade deal imposed between Scotland and their 19% of exports to the EU will do irreparable damage to them. So what they're going to do is leave the UK so as to dismantle that barrier and recover the Scottish economy. But can anyone see the deep, deep flaw in their argument? Well, it's this. If they ever did gain independence and joined the EU, they would then be forced to trade on EU terms with the UK. They would be forced to use this very same deal when exporting to the rest of the UK. The exact same terms of the Agreement they say is so bad for Scotland, would then be switched from 19% of their exports to the EU, onto the 60% of their exports they have with the rest of the UK. So, from the 1st of January 2021, when the SNP tour Scotland, whipping up support for independence, they will be telling their citizens to rip up the Scotland-EU border. Then impose the exact same border between themselves and the only country with which they have a land border. And the country that is also, by far, their largest export market. The SNP will effectively be campaigning FOR this deal. They will be arguing that this deal is bad for Scotland when applied to a fifth of their export market, but good when applied to 60% of their exports. And if they think they can get the EU to agree to a special deal for Scotland that gives them free access to the UK market, well good luck with that one. I'll just point out that David Cameron got nothing. So Nicola Sturgeon can expect even less. And if Scotland goes independent and joins the EU, so immediately losing its independence, there is a risk they'll lose the freedom of movement that they currently enjoy with the rest of the UK. After all, what incentive is there for the EU to agree to special conditions for the Scots, when there's no equivalent to the Good Friday Agreement to be nursed. And when the UK bans live animal transfers between the UK and other countries ... well. And none of this will be driven by the UK or Westminster politicians. It will be imposed by the EU and willingly signed up to by the SNP. The UK would be looking on as an outside, third country to this process. The SNP would then try and cast about for a fall-guy to blame, but the finger would always end up pointing at them. All I can say to those who wish to defend the United Kingdom's unity is, continually point out this incoherent SNP policy. And the SNP will then be forced into Doublethink, Doublespeak gymnastics telling everyone the deal is awful, but it's good. 4k. 4k video. #Brexit #SNP #IanBlackford