Thursday 31 December 2020

Shetland Islands makes independence demand from Scotland, SNP collapse


Nicola Sturgeon's nightmare: Shetland Islands makes independence demand from Scotland, SNP collapse

21 Dec 2020

Malcolm Bell, convenor of Shetland Islands Council hit out at the SNP administration claiming Island communities feel “undervalued, underfunded and frankly under Holyrood.” After First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second independence vote could be held next year, residents on the Northern archipelago have also hinted at going it alone.


We are ALL ready for a break from the nasty party
janner 159
Just another confirmation of the poison dwarf's ego trip
Ken Odlum
I would love the Shetlands to trade directly with the UK. Sturgeon would give them and their waters away to the EU for a well paid EU job. She is the evilest person in the UK.
Mark Carruthers
When a island in Scotland plays the SNP at their own game, their response will be interesting.
Mo Mo
I wish glasgow could leave also hate the Scottish nazi party
Frederick Elliott
I hope the Orkney Islands do the same
Eleanor Crawford
Well done Shetland she can’t sort out the busy Central Belt so Shetland must be neglected I wish you all good luck from Central Scotland.
Frank Parsons
Fish face Sturgeon is getting hers thrown back in her fish face.
Brett Peers
What goes around, comes around.
Donald Brown
The shetlands should be allowed to vote as many times as they wish until the desired outcome.
Mick A
Not even the Plandemic with save the SNP!!!!
Perhaps the Boarders would also like to break free as they had a large majority to stay within the Union in 2014.
Curlew -
I’m a Yorkshire girl but my grandmother was from Scotland, at this rate I’ll have a whole stack of passports 😂😂😂
Michael Daly
Sturgeon divides the country yet again.
Avril Duffy
Lol what is she going to do,, say No,,, how interesting 🤔
Charles Leney
Shetland and Aberdeen? Seems like there's a rush for the door due to sturgeon.
Proto Rhinocerator
Independence fever is catching on.
"You can't be independent! Only I can be independent!"
tony robinson
great stuff Shetland,you got to so much better off with out sturgeon and blackhead cocking the job up,best of luck.
Go for it Shetland and take Orkney with you too. We can have mini cruises from Newcastle and Whitehaven. Just the job.
Ken Fullman
They just need to stand up and claim they "identify as independant"
Go shetland you have the UKs backing
who is for moving to shetland?
susan leitch
This foolish woman has started this. Now what?
Malcolm Sillick
Yes, if I lived in Scotland, under Chairman Sturgeon, I would want to leave as well. Lets hope it is just the start of Scotland seeing sense about this dreadful regime.
Mathu Deano
Hahahaha this is delicious, funny how their complaints seem to be the same as Scotland’s against England, SNP are such a hypocritical joke 😂