Thursday 31 December 2020

Time for the real Brexit, not corporate nonsense Brexit

 Time for the real Brexit, not corporate nonsense Brexit

21 December 2020

If we are to get the Brexit we voted for and deserve, the Government must turn its back on the lobbyists andGet Britain Out of the European Union without the continual whispering in ears of big corporate businesses

Jayne Adye
On 22 December 2020 13:23

We have known for years how the European Union’s legislative processes have been dominated and influenced by big business and lobby groups, but in recent years their focus has been snapping at the heels of the United Kingdom’s Government regarding the Brexit negotiations.

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has been a monumental manipulator of Brexit since the beginning. This is a massive Europhile organisation which publishes skewed and bias reports which have attempted to tarnish Brexit at every turn.

The worst part of the CBI is its shrouded nature. It reveals no details of its enormous membership – no details about where their member companies are registered, of funding or who’s pulling the strings. These businesses have huge influence over Westminster. The CBI is very well networked within the halls of Parliament and offers their European-based CEOs and huge multinationals a direct line to politicians. 

It is becoming more and more apparent these final stages of the Brexit talks have become ambushed by the likes of the CBI. The Government’s threats to walk away from the trade talks with the EU have become so diluted they lack any real substance and any time there is a mention of 'No Deal’, their Project Fear statements come crawling out of the woodwork. 

It is always important to remember – it is the largest businesses in the UK who have the most to gain by maintaining the status quo with the EU, but only 8% of all UK businesses actually trade with the EU - the majority of these are the big companies who dominate advisory groups like the CBI.

However, self-interested Europhile companies are not only limited to the CBI - even within Government the path of this country after Brexit is being dominated by those who have vested interests in the current system. For example, the Trade and Agriculture Commission is but one of the new Trade Advisory Groups (TAGs) which have been convened to help set out the path for future trade negotiations with countries other than the EU while. While many of these TAGs have a balance of those who either backed Leave or Remain, as well as numerous independent innovators, the Trade and Agriculture Commission is littered with Remain organisations such as the National Farmers Union, who have spent the last few years actively campaigning against Brexit and urging the Government to limit the scope of competition to UK farmers coming from new trade deals. 

In other words, they are attempting to protect their monopoly-like market and prevent access to cheaper products for British consumers. 

Why are we letting these groups manipulate the course of Brexit and the years beyond? It’s like putting cows in charge of a slaughterhouse! These groups have spent years trying to subvert democracy and the Will of the Great British Public and they must be called out.

Brexit is about bringing power back the people, but at the moment it is being usurped by the lobbyists, trying to mould Brexit for their own gain. If we are to get the Brexit we voted for and deserve, the Government must turn its back on the lobbyists andGet Britain Out of the European Union without the continual whispering in ears of big corporate businesses.

Jayne Adye is the Director of the leading grassroots, cross-Party, Eurosceptic campaign, Get Britain Out