Tuesday 11 October 2016

BRINK OF NEXIT: Soaraway leader in Dutch polls is demanding his nation QUITS EU

DUTCH leadership hopeful Geert Wilders is calling for a quick exit from the European Union because of Angela Merkel’s 'stupidity'.

Geert Wilders/Angela Merkel/migants
Geert Wilders/Angela Merkel/migants
The controversial anti-immigration MP, who is leading all the polls to be the country’s next leader, has attacked the German chancellor’s open-door asylum policy and vowed to cut ties with Brussels if he takes power after next spring's parliamentary elections.
Mr Wilders said in a recent interview: "We have a political elite at the top not listening to them and that is why parties like mine all over Europe are getting votes.
"We should not have to pay for the stupidity of Angela Merkel.
"She can invite anyone she wants but we did not invite them so they shouldn't be able to come here.
"We will decide ourselves who is welcome here." 
Last week saw the revelation Mr Wilders and his party are ahead in most opinion polls in the run-up to parliamentary elections in March next year.
The PVV is forecast to take 35 seats in the 150-seat Dutch Parliament - 10 more than the ruling Liberal party which is led by prime minister Mark Rutte.
His Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) manifesto, published online, also includes a call for the complete de-Islamification of the Netherlands.
Mr Wilders said he wants to stop Muslim asylum-seekers from entering the Netherlands, shut down all Islamic schools and refugee centres and ban women from wearing headscarfs in public.
Geert WildersGETTY
Anti-immigration MP Geert Wilders is ahead in the opinion polls
He said: "Today in Holland we have thousands coming every week.
"There are villages in the Netherlands that have only 600 inhabitants and they have to accept many more asylum-seekers than their own inhabitants.
"People are angry. People are afraid. People want a different policy.”
Despite public support, opponents have poured scorn on Mr Wilders's proposals with Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party leader Sybrand van Haersma Buma describing them as 'utterly bizarre and unbelievable'.
But Mr Wilders is refusing to back down and said: "I don't have a problem with people from Slovakia and Lithuania but I do have a problem with immigration from Islamic countries.
"The EU leaves us no freedom to determine our own immigration and asylum laws. That’s why leaving the EU is necessary."
Mr Wilders has promised voters the chance to vote in an EU referendum if he becomes Prime Minister next spring.

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  • http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/719907/Geert-Wilders-anti-islamic-Netherlands-Angela-Merkel-immigration-policy