Sunday 30 October 2016

Will the EU survive the year? Crisis-plagued bloc faces EXISTENTIAL crisis in 2017

THE EU is facing multiple existential crises and the future of the Brussels bloc could hinge on the fate of the French, German and Dutch elections in 2017.

Euroscepticism, partly fuelled by Britain’s historic vote to leave the EU, is running high in all three nations currently.
And according to a respected German journalist, the continued existence of the EU is in jeopardy.
Malte Lehming, the opinion page editor at Der Tagesspiegel, told DW: “The pessimist in this case [of the EU’s future] is the well-informed realist.
“The crisis is not just a singular crisis – we have multiple crises."
“We have the refugee crisis, a split in Europe about what to do with a million refugees it is still unresolved.
“We have thousands of refugees still coming over the Mediterranean to the southern shores of Italy and nobody knows how to really make a difference between migrants and refugees.
Jean Claude JunckerGETTY
The EU, and its leaders like Jean Claude Juncker, faces an existential crisis
The crisis is not just a singular crisis – we have multiple crises
Malte Lehming, opinion page editor at Der Tagesspiegel
“We have the Ukraine crisis, we have the unresolved Greek debt crisis.”
In a damning indictment of the leadership of Europe, Lehming said there was “no clear will” to resolve the issues facing the EU.
Next year will see national elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands – three critical nations which form the core of the EU.
Eurosceptic and right wing parties such as Marine le Pen’s National Front, the Alternative for Germany and Geert Wilders’ Dutch Party for Freedom have all frequently promoted anti-EU messages.
Last month Ms Le Pen vowed to hold a referendum to decide whether France remains in the EU if she becomes president.
Citing the UK’s example she told the European parliament: “Brexit has really broken a taboo. The Brits have shown us that you can leave the European Union and you can come out better.
“The catastrophic visions were just a lie. The UK is doing quite well, the shock that you wanted to see has now turned into trust, everybody thought there was going to be apocalypse falling on the UK but that didn’t happen.
“You’ve shown a disdain for the referendum, so what are you protecting us from? Freedom? Democracy?
“It is time to move on and I think that people need a project for the future. Let’s be democrats, finally, and let the people decide.”
On June 24, in the immediate aftermath of Britain’s EU referendum, Mr Wilders said: “We want to be in charge of our own country, our own money, our own borders, and our own immigration policy.
“As quickly as possible the Dutch need to get the opportunity to have their say about Dutch membership of the European Union.
“It is time for a new start, relying on our own strength and sovereignty.
“If I become prime minister, there will be a referendum in the Netherlands on leaving the European Union as well. Let the Dutch people decide.”
General elections in the Netherlands are scheduled to take place on March 15 next year. 
Shortly afterwards the French go to the polls with a presidential election to be held in April and May.
The German general election, which many will view as a referendum on Angela Merkel’s open door to refugees and migrants, is expected to take place around September.