Sunday 8 September 2019

BROTHERLY LOVE Jeremy Corbyn slammed by Brexiteer BROTHER Piers for trying to block No Deal days after Jo Johnson quits Boris’ cabinet

JEREMY Corbyn has been slammed by his BROTHER for betraying Brexit and trying to block No Deal.

Piers Corbyn fumed at Labour for not “respecting the result of the referendum” after Remainers pushed through a law to stop us leaving the bloc without a Withdrawal Agreement.
 Piers Corbyn fumed at Labour for not “respecting the result of the referendum”
Piers Corbyn fumed at Labour for not “respecting the result of the referendum”Credit: Matthew Chattle / Barcroft Media
Credit: Twitter
Weather forecaster Piers is outspoken on Twitter and often blasts his younger brother’s party and their approach to Brexit.
He once even described the European Union as “the Fourth Reich”.
In his latest rant, the 72-year-old Brexiteer fumed: “What the ** are labour playing at? One clause in Benn’s bill means that we can only leave EU if EU agree.


“5milllion leavers voted labour at last election I don’t think they’ll vote labour next time, so much for labour respecting the result of 2016 ref.”
Piers has also previously shared videos suggesting his brother is part of a “shameless Europhile Parliament”, the Mail on Sunday reports.
What the ** are labour playing at? One clause in Benn’s bill means that we can only leave EU if EU agree.
Piers Corbyn
Last week he retweeted a Leave.Eu video of Labour Eurosceptic Kate Hooey – where the Vauxhall MP praises the Brexit leadership of Boris Johnson.
In the video Hooey says: “We’ve finally got a PM who will stand up to the EU. I’ll use my vote in parliament to help the 17.4m who voted Leave & to stop parliament’s coup!”
Jeremy Corbyn, 70, has been a life-long critic of Brussels and often spoke out against EU chiefs as a back-bencher.
In footage from 2009 - the Islington North MP called the EU “the European empire”.


Speaking at a meeting of activists, he says: “We are creating here one massive great Frankenstein which will damage all of us in the long run.”
Under pressure from his party – and in an effort to appease his many Remain voters in London – Corbyn voted to stay in the bloc in 2016.
But Labour’s Brexit policy has been muddled ever since.
Today shadow chancellor John McDonnell revealed the party had given up on plans to get a new Brexit deal and would back a version of Theresa May’s hated Withdrawal Agreement.
McDonnell said Labour would hold a second referendum on one of the deals already discussed by Parliament – such as May’s or the Norway option.

But Piers' swipe at Jeremy is not the first brotherly spat in Westminster over the past few days.
Last week Jo Johnson left Boris reeling after announcing he was quitting as a Tory MP - citing “unresolvable tensions” over the PM's Brexit policy.
Announcing the news in a bombshell tweet, Jo said: “It’s been an honour to represent Orpington for nine years and to serve as a minister under three PMs.
“In recent weeks I’ve been torn between family loyalty and the national interest - it’s an unresolvable tension and time for others to take on my roles as an MP and Minister”.
 Jo Johnson, the younger brother of PM Boris, resigned as a Tory MP today
Jo Johnson, the younger brother of PM Boris, resigned as a Tory MP today