Tuesday 10 September 2019

EU WHAT? Emily Thornberry ridiculed for admitting Labour’s Brexit policy is to negotiate a new deal and then campaign to REJECT it in a second referendum

LABOUR has admitted its Brexit policy is to negotiate a new deal and then campaign to REJECT it in a second referendum.

Emily Thornberry was blasted by fellow panellists on Question Time as "ridiculous" when she revealed the party's plans last night.

 Emily Thornberry was branded 'ridiculous' on Question Time
Emily Thornberry was branded 'ridiculous' on Question Time

The clueless shadow foreign secretary was quizzed by host Fiona Bruce, in front of a packed studio audience in Norwich, about Labour’s indecision over their own Brexit policy.
Bruce said: “If you were to win a General Election, you would go to Europe, try and get a better deal, have a referendum where Remain is an option.
“Would you then be campaigning against your own deal, to Remain against your own deal you negotiated? Or would you be actually saying, no support our deal?'
I would negotiate a deal to the best of my ability, a deal that will look after jobs and the economy, but the best way to look after jobs and the economy is for us to Remain.
Emily Thornberry
The Islington South MP said she would campaign to remain even if a deal with Brussels was done.
Drawing ridicule from her fellow panellists, she said: “I would negotiate a deal to the best of my ability, a deal that will look after jobs and the economy, but the best way to look after jobs and the economy is for us to Remain.'
Tory MP Kwasi Kwarteng interrupted: “And then you'll campaign against it?!”
Fuming LBC radio host Iain Dale said Thornberry and Labour should be ashamed of their stance.
He said: “Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds to everybody here? You think people are going to vote for you on that basis. Have you no shame?”

People want Brexit done

By Kwasi Kwarteng, Business Minister, and Question Time guest
The Question Time audience were shocked when Emily Thornberry suggested Labour would negotiate a deal - then campaign against it.
I believe people across this country want two things – Brexit done and the Government to get on with things they care about like more police, new hospitals and great schools for all our children.
This week the Labour Party have shown not only can they not deliver on any of these – they are actually determined to block them from happening.
Instead Labour working with a group of MPs have tried to set the country on a course for yet more dither and more delay with Corbyn’s Surrender Bill – a piece of legislation that would try and force us to accept yet another extension to Britain leaving the EU for as long as the EU demands it.
Labour and other opposition parties are doing this to cancel the referendum.
This Government wants the chance to negotiate a deal and leave on Oct 31st come what may, but the Surrender Bill is designed to wreck that. All of this means the choice in British politics has become much clearer.
It’s between Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister who trusts people and thinks it should be the public who decide goes to negotiate with Brussels on 17 October, or Jeremy Corbyn, who voted to wreck the negotiations and couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag.
Yet Labour doesn’t trust the public with this choice. Corbyn used to call himself a democrat but now he’s chickened out of giving the public a vote
Instead he wants to delay exit from the EU for a THIRD time - costing billions which could be spent on investing in the NHS, reducing violent crime and cutting the cost of living.
Labour want to spend that money on pointless delay. Meanwhile they want a zombie parliament to carry on. There won’t be any new negotiations during an extension, no new deal for the public. Just a big bill, more dither and more delay.
Jeremy Corbyn does not trust the public. He wants to stop people having their say and he wants to cancel the referendum. We, in the Conservative Party, trust the people – and we think British voters should decide who will who goes to Brussels on 17 October to negotiate with the EU.
Fellow panellist Brexit Party MEP Richard Tice then said: “Have you any idea how the European Union will treat us if we negotiate in that way? 'Give us a nice deal please, then I'm going to vote not to have it in the first place?"
"Utterly, Utterly ridiculous.”

The shambolic Question Time appearance came before Thornberry confirmed this morning that Labour will not vote for a snap election on Monday.
Boris Johnson has accused Labour of running scared of an election during ferocious battles in the Commons this week.
The PM wants to go to the country rather than accept Corbyn’s demands to go cap in hand back to Brussels in just six weeks’ time.
“I don’t think I have, I have never known a time in modern history when the Leader of the Opposition has refused to take part in a general election," Boris told ITV’s Robert Peston.

 Thornberry was questioned by Tory MP Kwasi Kwarteng over Labour's bizarre Brexit policy
Thornberry was questioned by Tory MP Kwasi Kwarteng over Labour's bizarre Brexit policy
 LBC host Iain Dale asked if Thornberry had 'no shame' after revealing Labour's Brexit policy
LBC host Iain Dale asked if Thornberry had 'no shame' after revealing Labour's Brexit policy

The Sun Says

LABOUR’S Brexit policy, rightly now a national laughing stock, reveals a staggering contempt for three million of its own voters.
It sounded improbable when “Shadow Justice Secretary” ­Richard Burgon first uttered it out loud — and, with respect, he IS as thick as two short planks. Now, though, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry has confirmed it:
A Labour Government would “negotiate a better deal” with Brussels, then campaign against it in order to Remain.
Even Marxist morons cannot seriously believe the EU would waste a nano- second on such a nonsense. And that reveals two things about Corbyn’s mob:
First, they HAVE finally decided to abandon all their Leave voters. Second, they intend to insult their intelligence too, by assuming them too dim to see through such a transparent con-trick.
Labour should simply state: “In power, we would scrap Brexit.” Yes, it would be shameful and, in a country where trust in politicians is already nearly the ­lowest in Europe, insanely dangerous.
But at least Corbyn would for once be telling the truth.
