Monday 30 September 2019



I won't back a Brexit in name only, says UK's ERG chairman

An influential figure on the eurosceptic wing of Boris Johnson's Conservative Party said on Tuesday he was confident any divorce deal the British prime minister struck with the EU was one he could back but said he would not support Brexit in name only.

Irish Brexit border proposal only preliminary: UK minister

British proposals to address the problem of the Irish border after Brexit, which were reported by Ireland's state broadcaster RTE, are only preliminary and are not the "be all and end all" of the plans, Britain's justice minister said on Tuesday

UK taking a careful look at the Brexit delay law - Javid says

The British government should obey the law but is taking a careful look at one which forces the prime minister to ask for a Brexit delay if a deal is not struck with the European Union by Oct. 19, finance minister Sajid Javid said on Monday.

PM Johnson vows to stay put to hit Oct. 31 Brexit deadline

Boris Johnson said on Sunday he would not quit as Britain's prime minister even if he fails to secure a deal to leave the European Union, insisting only his Conservative government can deliver Brexit on Oct. 31.