Sunday 8 September 2019

EU WHAT?! John McDonnell hints Labour has DROPPED its own plans for Brexit deal and would back May’s hated Withdrawal Agreement

LABOUR has given up on plans to get a new Brexit deal and would back a version of Theresa May’s hated Withdrawal Agreement, John McDonnell has dramatically revealed.

McDonnell said Labour would hold a second referendum on one of the deals already discussed by Parliament – such as May’s or the Norway option.
 Labour has given up on plans to get a new Brexit deal, John McDonnell dramatically revealed
Labour has given up on plans to get a new Brexit deal, John McDonnell dramatically revealed Credit: BBC

The latter would see Britain out of the EU but remaining in the single market, meaning goods, services and people could continue to enjoy free movement.
Jeremy Corbyn has repeatedly promised to go back to Brussels to thrash out a new “jobs first” Brexit if he seizes power - vowing to protect Britain's industry and boost the economy.


But in a sign of yet more Labour Brexit chaos, his close ally and shadow chancellor waved the white flag of defeat.
McDonnell told Andrew Marr: “We’ve got to get to a situation now where we accept what the offer is.
“I think it’s a matter of confirming what the offer would be – then it has to go back to the people again.
We’ve got to get to a situation now where we accept what the offer is. I think it’s a matter of confirming what the offer would be – then it has to go back to the people again.
John McDonnell
“I was in negotiations for six weeks with the Conservatives and there were a whole range of issues there that were addressed - and from the indications that we were getting from the European Union - that we might be able to get some shift on.
“So you can see an offer consolidating that would then go back to the people – we believe the people should have the final decision.
“There were a range of positions that the EU was sympathetic to.
“It’s a matter of saying, ‘this is what the offer is that is the reality of the EU is willing to agree to’.
“The alternative is to Remain.”


Theresa May’s loathed soft Brexit deal – including the controversial Northern Irish backstop – was voted down by MPs three times.
Boris Johnson has repeatedly stated his desire for a new agreement with Brussels chiefs, but warned we will be leaving the EU “do or die” by October 31.
Last week a law was passed demanding the PM go begging to the bloc for a Brexit extension – but Boris said he would rather be “dead in a ditch” than do so.

Bo-Jo has instead called for a snap election on October 15 and blasted Labour boss Corbyn as a “chicken” and a “big girl’s blouse” for dodging a national poll.
But McDonnell said Labour and other parties cannot trust the PM to stick to his word by holding the new vote before Britain is due to leave the EU at the end of the month.
He said: “Until we've ruled a no deal off the agenda, I can't risk, with Boris Johnson being in power, that he wouldn't somehow impose that on the country.
"So we can get no deal off the agenda, then I'd like a general election and part of that would be saying let's have a referendum."
 McDonnell revealed Labour's Brexit plan to Andrew Marr today
McDonnell revealed Labour's Brexit plan to Andrew Marr todayCredit: BBC